What are you listening to in 2021 and why might anyone be interested

St Germain Des Prés Vinyl Sessions Blues Café / 2014 Music Brokers / Mexico CD x 2 / MBB7170


Cerebral hemispheres. Mr Fingers. 2018.

Alfa Mist - Bring Backs (Tidal)

Cartridge problems curtailed further vinyl spinning, my Dynavector might be in its death throes :disappointed_relieved:

So back to streaming…

Critically hyped, I didnt get this before and with perseverance I still dont! :grin:



Quincy Jones. Vinyl. 1989. Full of famous contributors, a list far too big to post and many of them “Premier League” They are all on the album’s Wiki page.

7 Grammy awards.


Ethereal Cereal Live | 1985
The intro at Glastonbury goes “Ladies and gentlemen the now suitably chemicalised Ozric Tentacles…” Great early Ozrics ripped from cassete (hence the album art) that was once the only way of getting to hear their music, usually bought at gigs and festivals. Happy days.


I have that LP and totally agree :+1:

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Now playing

Charm of Finches - Wonderful Oblivion

Stumbled on this by accident.
Chamber folk by 2 Australian sisters.
Wonderful two-voiced vocals on 11 tracks.


Nate Morgan- Retribution, Reparation (Nimbus West/Tidal)

Now this really is very good, first listen after a recent recommendation from @TheKevster evster.
Superb playing and sound quality, one of those records that seduces, pulls you in and locks you there. Difficult to describe but a great sense of musical tension, anticipation and release that left me breathless. Powerful at times with a calming finish.

If you get my drift

Inspired by Marcus Garvey, who prophesied to look to Africa for the crowning of a Black King, the subsequent coronation of Haile Sellassie Ras Tafari King Of Kings Lord Of Lords being a cornerstone of the Rastafarian faith



@anon10403888 and I share the same feelings about the Goat albums @YetiZone. I think Tony may have possibly have got it the wrong way around in that Requiem is the one to avoid but World Music their debut was great and definitely worth trying out!


Bring back the old melted down Jamaican pressed vinyl where they didn’t even bother to take off the centre label. You pays your money you might get a copy that played all the way through. Always thought it was hilarious when you saw a bit of paper sticking out of a Jamaican pressed album and UK punters were expected to buy it. Not enough vinyl recycling these days. Had to send shed loads back to Distributors on the island. I gave away 300-400 of them when I got rid of my vinyl collection.

IMHO you should save your money.


Steve, Requiem is still a good album but a complete change of direction from their previous musical experiments taking a little longer to really “dig it”. I actually didn’t like it when it came out but grew ever fond of it.:sunglasses:


Yes JA pressed records have always been a minefield as any fan/collector will attest, its also a bit of an exaggerated stereotype perpetuated by music snobs recounting apocryphal tales of bits of dreadlocks or a spliff tail pressed into the vinyl.
Ive also often commented that JA music is one genre where digital audio has been a great benefit. Not all bad by any means though and any JA pressed records I post here are good uns.
I’m not sure what point your making

Thanks Tony, I didn’t get the album, maybe I will have give it some more goes to get it. Apologies to have lumped my erroneous opinions of what you think about it on to @YetiZone

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Mipso - Mipso

Folk. Enjoyable album.

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Qobuz have acknowledged the issue and are now trying to sort it. Now fixed.

That one takes me back. I remember trying to listen to birdland, loud, without bleeding ears. A bit to busy for my then system.

No need to apologise, Steve. Just my opinion and we do share some taste in music. I have even forgiven you for your SW’s “errands”. :wink:

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Thanks, Tony. This one you will like…

Zappa | Hot Rats | 1969


Not a problem @Steve_S - happy to have the extra input and suggestions from both you and @anon10403888 as well. They haven’t completed many studio albums, so I’ll seek them all out. Kinda like it when bands / singers do a switcheroo and change directions, that will always be divisive for fans of a certain style, but will keep the creative mind fresh. An approach that never hurt The Dame, despite the odd misfire.