What are you listening to in 2021 and why might anyone be interested

Bob Dylan, Bringing It All Back Home.


They have actually released about 11 albums and are still touring just never made the big time like Bon Jovi and Def Leppard not sure why as they definitely had the tunes and had a great guitarist and vocalist in Steve Overland, they even had a keyboard player named Didge Digital!!

Just Finished…

Amy Speace with The Orphan Brigade - There Used To Be Horses Here
Amy Speace (Vocals), Nellson Glover (acoustic guitar, vocals), Ben Hubbard (Acoustic Guitar, Drums, Percussion, Vocals), Josua Britt (Mandolin, Vocals), Dean Marold (Bass), Garrison Star (Vocals), Johnny Duke (Electric Guitar), David Davidson (Violin), David Angell (Violin), Kirstin Wilkinson (Viola), Paul Nelson (Cello), Danny Mitchell (Piano) and Will Kimbrough (Electric Guitar).

Streaming on Qobuz (44.1/16)… a mention by @SneakyPete yesterday had me place in the queue and I took Amy out for a spin this morning and she and the band sounded mighty sweet! A lovely review can be found on the American Highways webpage. I enjoyed this album quite a bit and placed in my favorites for a future spin…


Now playing…

Emily Barker (Banjo, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals), Amber Rubarth (Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Vocals), Amy Speace (Acoustic Guitar, Vocals), Jabe Beyer (Harmonica), Josh Day (Drums), Fats Kaplin (Accordion, Fiddle), Darrel Sheinman (Snare Drums), Aaron Lee Tasjan (Electric Guitar, Nylon String Guitar, Slide Guitar) and Telisha Williams (Upright Bass).

Streaming on Qobuz (96/24)… continuing on this morning with an another album featuring Amy and I am familiar with and this trio and talented supporting band are sounding mighty fine this morning!


I apologise to them.:grinning:
I just had a look at Qobuz. That’s another rabbit hole to disappear down.

Gosh, yes I’d forgotten about Didge Digital

2 x LP - GLM / fine music (p) 2010 : )

Mulo Francel - saxophones, clarinets, mandoline, glockenspiel, monochord, guitar on 6, bouzouki on 11
Robert Wolf - guitar, bouzouki, piano on 17, steel drum
D.D. Lowka - acoustic bass, percussion, xylophone, cymbalom
Andreas Hinterseher - accordion, vibrandoneon, bandoneon, piano on 4
Evelyn Huber - concert grand harp, single pedal harp, salterio


Songs of a Grand Voyage. The baggage filled with melodies that were collected along the way. Every tone tells you a story about a new encounter and takes the listener on an epic adventure. Every song was recorded on a different place on this earth and represents the unique vibrations of those special locations.

Wild horseback rides over the Crimean Peninsula, vintage European charm out of London, a Tango from New York, crazy days in Istanbul, nightly feasts in Transylvania, secret gardens in Malaysia, warm rain in Paris. Not always did the way lead to the goal. That is why the “Journey to Batumi” talks especially about the missed chances, what we are left with is the yearning for something more.

Grand Voyage is a musical diary filled with impressions and experiences. Full of happiness but also sadness all connected through the joy of playing music.



Been aht n abaht the weekend double busy seeing a few men about a few dogs…

Back home, LP12 at the Klinik, Tidal expired run out of emails to keep blagging freebies, so back on Qobuz been listening to these

Horace Tapscott Sextet - Dial B For Babra (Nimbus West/ Quobuz CD)
New to me, first listen and its great
Lady Blackbird - Black Acid Soul (Qobuz HR)
A new release and a new artist that’s actually deserving of the critical acclaim for a change, I have the LP and its also sounding superb in HR

Nina Simone - Little Girl Blue (Bethlehem/Qobuz HR)
The lovely classic album from 1958 also sounding beautiful in HR



Ruth Gipps is probably my major classical discovery of last few years. Criminally underrated in her lifetime because she was a woman and she wasn’t a modernist. Thankfully the beeb are now giving her work lots of airtime. If you like RVW then definitely worth a listen


I’ve been transported back 41 years and sounding as good today


Not seen a Linn Axis in a while, looks well loved too :+1:


Now playing…

Tori Amos - Ocean to Ocean

Tori Amos (Fender Rhodes, Hammond Organ, Vocals, Wurlitzer), Matt Chamberlain (Drums, Percussion), Jon Evans (Electric Bass, Upright Bass), Mark Hawley (Guitar), Phil Shenale (Marxophone, Optigan, Hammond Organ, Sampling, Synthesizer) and Tash (Vocals).

Streaming on Qobuz (44.1/24)… continuing on this morning with this new release, October 28, 2021, from Tori and Tori and the band is sounding mighty fine!



Soundgarden : Badmotorfinger



Peder af Ugglas - Eponymous release.

Andrew Duhon - The Moorings

Listened to quite a bit this afternoon but these two are the standout albums from artists relatively new to me.

Peder is a brilliant guitarist, merging different styles, guitars and genres. Clever chap. Thanks to @ewemon, I think it was, for introducing me.

Andrew is just a superb singer-songwriter IMHO.



John McLaughlin - Black Light


A topical dedication to a particular bunch of world leading bullsh*tters



Mark Knopfler - The Ragpicker’s Dream

Mark observes some stark realities of life with wit and humour thrown in for good measure. Such a rewarding listen.



As a lot of people presented the albums while listening to the cd version and arguing it sounded so good, let me set example with the real stuff in high resolution audio.