What are you listening to in 2023 and why might anyone be interested?

Eels: Wonderful, Glorious

For me, this album marked a return to form after a three album trilogy that I struggled with. This and his subsequent albums are first rate.


Have you tried The Blue Notebooks (also Max Richter)? If not, I strongly recommend you do.


Some BBC sessions Bowie
A recent reissue on vinyl.
Live From Mars



2013 2 Cd Rip to FLAC
CCS - Tap Turns On Water - The CCS Story.

Just cranked the volume up for Whole Lotta Love as played on the BBC top of the Pops show.


What I’m constantly surprised at is that there are so many of these seemingly niche bands who have the support of a decent but non-mainstream label and produce some pretty high quality videos, often a bit daft or tongue in cheek, but the videos must cost a fair bit to make compared to fairly basic stuff from the late 70s/80/early 90s.

Who’s the intended audience?

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@steviebee - I just sent you an email…

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I really like it, mainly as background music so far in the study, but it’s had several plays.

Yes please!!! :smiley:

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You can do quality videos very cheaply these days @Alley_Cat, with a decent SLR or even a smartphone.

This Ese one we did for precisely zero pounds and zero pence (Carl and Ese shot it, Carl edited it, everyone gave their services for nowt).

Even this one from 2017 only cost three grand…


Tinariwen - Amassakoul

Because there’s never a bad day for Tinariwen desert blues!


Chameleon is a great video. Hypnotic, psychedelic, Vooduu infused.

Dr John would have loved it.

There’s a thought. Ese &TVP doing Walk On Gilded Splinters…would be immense!

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Great album.

Out of interest, why did you stop with that?

I was introduced to Marillion a few years after Script was released but it’s got that raw element of a first album which often isn’t equalled or surpassed.

Fugazi is sumptuous listening however and Fish’s lyrics are so emotive and clever in several tracks.

Misplaced Childhood is good in places but too commercial overall.

I really like Clutching at Straws, it doesn’t have that gritty raw feeling of Script or Fugazi, but it’s almost a more polished/softened Misplaced Childhood with great lyrics and a far less commercial feel though it’s probably marmite.

It took me a long time to get into the new Marillion after Fish went solo, but some of the later albums are incredibly good, F.E.A.R in particular and if you can find the Albert Hall concert online it’s pretty impressive but quite unlike early Marillion.


Yes, the technology has really put the quality in the hands of the masses from a video viewpoint and there are fantastic examples of high quality filming/productions on smartphones.

I was maybe thinking more in terms of fantastic locations (eg high altitude castles - drones probably solve that), exuberant costumes, digital effects and pyrotechnics but talented bands and their teams undoubtedly can create things which could only be dreamt of years ago quality wise.

Thanks for the video links, I’ll check then out. Couldn’t find Ese on Qobuz - need to check Apple Music, presumably still on Bandcamp.

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Bought it on release but for some reason never had the urge to explore further as ‘Script’ seems so complete and self contained.

If that makes sense.


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@Alley_Cat - Ese’s music is on some 80 streaming platforms… but not Qobuz (it’s a long story) - and yes, she’s on Bandcamp too.


Great idea @steviebee - I’ll put it to her, she’s a massive fan of the good Doctor.


Yes, it does make sense, I think by the time I was aware of Script, Fugazi and a few tracks from Misplaced Childhood were out so I was looking backwards in a way.

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Men At Work - Down Under - Business As Usual


After their huge live On Broadway, I’m already salivating about hearing them raise the dead with Splinters :sunglasses: :heart_on_fire:

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That would be❤️