What was the last bit of gear you didn’t buy in 2024?

Well, this thread doesn’t really make any sense, yet. I cannot really answer to this thread until Jan 1, 2025. Until then how will I know I didn’t buy it in 2024?

I suppose I can safely say I didn’t buy a Statement system in 2024, because if I receive a windfall to cover the cost I’m still not getting one. :slight_smile:


Jake… are you using a Superline now?

I didnt upgrade my system to 252 300dr

Hey Chris, I’m using a Rega Aria at the moment with my P10/Apheta 3.

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I didn’t by the Fraim, bought the Quadraspire SVT instead. And will never know if Fraim is better and don’t care. Insert smiley face emoji here.

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I was very tempted to replace my 2 x 300drs with a 4 pack of the new 350s but in the end common sense beat upgraditis. It was partly the large cost involved but also the fact that I’m fairly low tech and like just having an on / off switch for my amps ! I’ve always had the opinion that the more complicated and high tech things become the more there is to go wrong.

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