What will adding a Ndac to an ND5XS2 bring

From an “electrical characteristics” standpoint, Simon is absolutely correct.

Whether you can perceive a difference in SQ is then down to you.


Thanks for the explanation, appreciate the facts. I will get hold of a BNC to BNC DC-1. I may have use for the second digital connection in the near term.

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Thank you.

I may have a use for it in due course but I’ll source what I thought I’d bought in the first place!

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I had two DC1s for a while, one BNC and the other BNC to RCA. If I listened very carefully with headphones there was a clear difference, and using the RCA with an adapter the noise floor seemed a little higher. With speakers I really couldn’t hear it. (That was with NDX2/Chord Dave.)


Apologies for the BNC diversion - DC-1 BNCs on the way. I decided that not having BNCs would just niggle away at me. All input greatly appreciated :+1:t3:


Sounds like a nice space and a good size room, for listening. Feel free to share a photo, maybe in “System Pics”.

Our focus is a floor standing option, maybe GBP £ 4-5k. So, we might be on a slightly different path, albeit with same Naim boxes.

So, far, we’ve had a really good look (listen) to (1) PMC Twenty5 23i (2) ATC SCM 40 passive (3) Kudos Super 20A.

No Neat’s. ( Not as yet). Although our dealer is a Neat stockist too. The new Elite Classics might be of interest.

If the opportunity arises, would also quite like to explore Spendor options.

Thinking about Kudos, I understand your attraction to the Titans…
Just for fun, recently heard a pair of Kudos Titan 606’s, (that were available pre-loved) at our dealers. Which were totally impressive, making a lasting impression. Maybe too much money new. Even pre-loved it’s a stretch for the budget. But, ultimately was concerned this may be too much speaker for the SN3 + HCDR.

Balance in a system is a desirable goal. So, a concern for the 606’s, great as they are, is this might bend things out of balance and tempt us towards 252 + SC + 250 or maybe 332 + 300 + NC250. Which is to be resisted. Instead, focusing time and money on completing a well rounded and balanced solution, with what we have already.

That might be a decent floor standing speaker. Then, eventually a psu for the nDAC. Might pause there for a while :wink:

So, floor standers are our focus. Having said that, we went to listen to the new Epos ES14 N stand mount speakers and we were really impressed. Might be worth you looking into that option.

There’s no rush on speakers and it might take another year or so to get there…

I think we have similar musical taste. My own musical journey has meandered through 70’s progressive, 80’s new wave and electronic, 90’s indie and Brit rock / Brit pop, more recently jazz, folk and everything in between. There is also a cross over with my best mates ( that’s my wife ) musical taste, which leans to more popular themes. Her favourites being Kate Bush, Phil Collins, George Michael, Adele, Gregory Porter, Arlo Parks, etc. Our collection is maybe broad, (in its scope), rather than focussed on a specific genre.

To keep things in topic…
Our ND5 XS2 → DC1 → nDAC ( using Roon and Qobuz) allows access to a plethora of music to explore. Roon keep suggesting things and we are probably listening to more new music, than at any previous time in our journey.

It’s all about the music :+1:

Good luck with your own journey.


100% agree. It’s sexy of course to immediately “climb the audio ladder” but as you said a well rounded balanced solution is extremely satifying.


Yes exactly, all about the music. I do have a concern about artists and their financial recognition re. Streaming. At the moment I’m revisiting some old ground and importantly discovering new stuff. I will be adding a TT soon and will be paying my dues. I’m thinking Rega P6… no hassle, good right off the blocks.

Neil Young, Dylan, Thin Lizzy, Zeppelin (Knebworth ‘79), Latterly Robert plant, Floyd, Stones, The Cult, Motörhead, Bowie, Japan, David Sylvian, New Order, The Smiths (I love a dirge), Morrissey (of course), Radiohead, Foo Fighters, Nick Cave…Elbow…I could go on, seen lots of them over the years.

The sitting room for listening, not ideal but everything’s a compromise right?! I’ll post pictures when I’m back with the system…the shame :flushed: The sofa’s in the way, why are you facing backwards, why are your units on furniture, why are your units on steel furniture?? :face_with_peeking_eye: It’s not me it’s my wife…

Seems you’re more advanced than I on the speaker hunt. I completely agree re the Kudos, even 2nd owner are a big number. I did get to thinking my Neats are sat on SolidSteel ironmongery and are not the tidiest looking items. It may be I could swing some subtle floorstanders. Hmmm. Re the amplification, I’m not planning to head to a separate pre/power combo, although I can’t say I haven’t thought about it.

I’m Tidal at the moment and planning to give QoBuz a whirl. Lots to look forward to! As you will have noted; for now, I’m mainly concentrating on trying to order up the correct cables. Rock and roll.


Interesting. We share that same concern. It actually troubles us. To the extent we always buy cds and vinyl direct from the artists when ever possible.

I used to worry about streaming. But recently rationalised it to same as listening to radio…
And if we like an album, we always buy a copy. ( On CD or vinyl). Don’t do downloads and never save an album from Qobuz, into our server, on principle.

Knebworth 1979, I was there :wink:


Good policy, like it!

I think I was there Saturday but can’t quite remember :joy:. Still have the tee shirt!

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I was there also, pretty sure I still have the program somewhere, happy days😉


A while back, bought the official dvd of their Knebworth concert (Led Zeppelin DVD, which is a meddle of various live material, including Knebworth ) and very much enjoyed watching it…


PCM stereo, through the nDAC is brilliant.

Spent forever studying the crowds, searching to see if I could spot my younger self… LOL :joy:

As a younger teenager, my parents weren’t entirely comfortable with me attending. I was so keen, probably pestered them forever. I remember my older brother arranged for me to tag along with a group of his friends who were already going. Brilliant.

Had the poster on my bedroom wall for years. Think it is still around somewhere.

Happy days :+1:

Have most of their albums on vinyl (bought maybe late 70’s). Then again on CD ( maybe 90’s ). Then, more recently, some of the re-mastered versions.

Using ND5 XS2 → DC1 → nDAC notice that 96 KHz / 24 bit versions are available, in Qobuz. Have you spent anytime comparing and contrasting ? What do you think ?


Downloads are treated as physicals regarding artiste revenue.


Roger that.
Call me a laggard. :person_shrugging:t2: Still prefer physical media.
Maybe the act of “collecting” things is strong in me?

I’m often joking with our (adult) kids, they’ll get to inherit something of value :wink: which prompts rolling eyes, bemusement and funny looks in return.

We’ve promised to neatly organise things ( and with Discogs), before we shuffle off.

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Sure … I guess it’s a point of view, a collection of curated download files with bundled pdf is still collectable… but yes you can’t put it on your shelf :grinning:
At least files don’t wear out… and take up less space… but are easy to destroy if you are careless and don’t back up.


I get your reasonable point.
I’m open to one day transition to alternative methods. So, although joking about being a laggard, I think I could do that.

It’s funny, as I work with computers all day. In so many ways I’m an early adopter (particularly at work). But older habits linger on at home. Buying physical media goes all the way back to a youth, buying a record or a CD is tactile and satisfying. There’s a lot of momentum (habit) in continuing with old ways. Particularly when it’s pleasurable. So much has been written in this topic (on this forum) I’m sure you know what I mean.

Using Roon gets me almost to the same thing.

So, currently learning new ways. The future is ahead of us. Might change yet.

In the meantime, agree that artists should be properly rewarded.


I was 24 at the time, four of us went down, one memory that stands out was the size of the crowd I had never seen so many people in one place, there are lots more but I won’t drift off.
We used to wait with anticipation for each new album to come out, pretty sure I have the complete collection on vinyl.
Listening wise I revisit the early stuff from time to time probably a nostalgia thing, played at very anti social levels, one reason I would like to move to a 250 or 300dr, Moby D is always a fun listen.
When I had the Bryston in the system that was one track you could really hear and feel a more powerful amp doing its stuff, don’t get me wrong my 200dr is a descent power amp but the Bryston just made things feel and sound so real.
Sounds like I will have to try some of the hi-res albums on Quboz.:+1:


I was 17, slept on the train station floor afterwards. Fond memories. I recall, one lad was going strong all day. By the time Zeppelin appeared he was comatose- slept all the way through :joy::joy:

I’ve seen Robert Plant numerous times since. One memorable occasion in North London, took my son along and felt like we were sharing history. It was the Mighty Rearranger tour. They played Whole lotta love - practically shook the old building to the ground. Epic.


Somewhat back on topic: In the context of my musical tastes, for Led Zeppelin a simple bare WiiM Pro would have been more than adequate for me :wink:

Oh, and very much enjoying the ND5 XS2 / DC-1 / nDAC combo, seems to still settle in further.

Enjoying hi-res via Qobuz, nice when both lights on the nDAC light up. And as that novelty wears off I notice that I start returning to the LP12 for pre-90s music where I have the LP. Even looking to buy some more of those, preferring the streams for later work and for the (many) gaps in the collection.