What will adding a Ndac to an ND5XS2 bring

Hello again @dmu

Hope your new speakers are settling in nicely?

Just seen a pre-loved nDAC (2011) with Basically Sound Naim dealer in Norfolk and thought of you. Check out their website and offers page.

Best wishes

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The speakers are wonderful Iā€™m super happy with them. Thanks so much for letting me know Iā€™ve been seriously thinking about what a separate dac could bring me.

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A Naim DAC would make a lovely SQ upgrade in your system.

Surely a bargain when one considers the likely positive impact on SQ compared to the cost of an nDAC in proportion to the cost of your system.


Unfortunately the ndac was already sold they just havenā€™t updated the website yet, apparently they had several enquiries so it looks like there is several people looking for them.


Sorry to hear about that.
Iā€™ll keep an eye out for others

Best wishes


I am currently having ndac with 555dr and nd5xs2 and tried lot of combinations. By far the best result for me was ndac with 555dr psu. Only thing left worth trying is using a non-dr psu. I tempt to believe it will be better combination. The dr brings a bit of over acceleration of the signal attack, which may be good or bad thing depending on the rest of your system. If you have also dr preamp and dr pa the this effect is multiplied and you may finish up with a big dissapointment.


Sorry to hear you missed out, if itā€™s any consolation I missed two before acquiring mine, worth the chase but you need to be quick as the word is out on this hidden gem, best of luck.


It is worth adding to the thread, if one gets an NDAC itā€™s worth checking its running the final firmwareā€¦ apparently in the final firmware they tidied up some of the code that resulted in a slightly different presentation that resulted in a less earthy organic sound and a more resolving presentation. High frequency subtle detail, timing and resolution is not the ndacsā€™s strong point, so for example some classical and choral pieces tended to sound a little meh (in my opinion) ā€¦ but the final firmware did slightly improve this aspect of the product


Feeding the Ndac from a Primare NP5 bridge produces a refined, detailed presentation. Similar to a CDS2.

The vast majority of Ndac users would have been using 1st generation Naim streaming technology. So their opinion of Ndac is based on using old equipment that can be bettered by modern equipment only costing hundreds of pounds.

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I agree for internet / cloud streaming, but for UPnP streaming via Ethernet the first gen Naim steamers, especially when in digital audio output mode, were very very good.


I hope itā€™s not too much of a thread drift butā€¦do you leave your ndac always on? I looked for the answer in the forum with no luckā€¦

Thanks in advance.

I did leave my NDAC left onā€¦


Spotted another one (2010) tonight.
This time, with 2nd hand HiFi

Best wishes

Thanks Iā€™ll email them


Bit late to the thread, but Iā€™ve just added an nDAC to my ND5XS2. It was a 2012 model but running old firmware.

Iā€™ve just completed the 2015 update (4.11.8) and having listed to it today (after warming up all night) I am really very happy indeed. I might even be at my end game system (I did say might!).

I realise a PSU would help, but I really donā€™t have the room for another box and further upgrades would be just too expensive for me at the moment.

Back to listening and thanks for all the advice and help from this forum. Cheers!


Well congrats. Iā€™m sure you will love it.


Time to update " System ", on your profile :heart_eyes:

Happy listening.


Done :+1:

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Welcome to the club :joy:


Unfortunately they donā€™t offer extended returns with purchase, to allow for the possibility to demo at home. While I do think Iā€™ll probably like the ndac it would be extremely stressful to be against the clock especially as I need other peopleā€™s help to assemble everything.