What will adding a Ndac to an ND5XS2 bring

There are equally other docs on the AES library that talk about the benefits of high definition audio. But yes on a good system you can usually hear the difference between 44.1/16 and say 96/24… but I can’t hear the difference between 192/24 and 96/24… but I suspect some can… but of course crucially it depends on the mastering process, the LUFS compression to some extent and the timing accuracy of the loudspeakers and replay chain,


What can I say is that the most of my best sounding albums are hires.
The albums are recordings since generally the last 20 years.

As for SACD, I find the cd format sounding better. But it’s probably due to the limitations of my NDS, which uses DOP .

hi, thank you for the post. I’m thinking ND5XS2 too to output to an external DAC. When you said Audioquest carbon, do you mean USB or Coaxial? My DAC is mainly USB, but I’m using the Coaxial for CD player. it is what is stopping me from buying Naim streamer because there is no mention if or not it has USB output to DAC. It’s annoying that I have to unplug the coaxial cable from CD player every time I want to stream.

You just need an SPDIF to USB cable converter. Many here use that, for instance Nd5xs2 to connect to a Chord Dac.

The ND5XS2 is a DAC with a streaming board. The streaming board is only a small portion of the ND5XS2, the majority of the ND5XS2 will be unused. It’s a waste of money, if used with an external dac, you could buy a more advanced dedicated streamer (no dac) for a £1000 or less. The ND5XS2 doesn’t even have an optical output, never mind USB.


Thank you frenchrooster, wasn’t aware of such cable converter, feels like it’s a compromise, but maybe it feels like that because not many people talk about it?

I don’t think it’s a compromise.
I call @Simon-in-Suffolk to give you a technical explanation.
Or Innocent Bystander. Both use them with great effect.


Hi Fatcat,
Thank you for the reply. This post kind of made me want to go all in with the Naim sound, at the moment I really like SN3 (doing a great job driving my Spendor) but with the sound signature of Topping D90SE DAC, it does detail really well which is my thing, however I think my weak link is Bluesound node(as a streamer), just thought Naim streamer(better quality) could add to the naim sound, even though DAC has more impact on the sound signature. I know people here probably think Topping being the opposite of Naim sound(both quality and sound signature) but after playing around cables (I will shut up about cable before I get stoned to death lol) almost 2 years I bought Audioquest Black Beauty interconnect, the system just kept improving now the timbre, space between instrument, layering, imaging is just so good now. Every time I listen to other people’s system, I know I’ve tuned the sound to my liking. But maybe that’s just SN3 doing the magic, better you feed it, it continues to transform the sound. But it’s just annoying, something I will just never find out until I try it in my system, I love the raw sound of Naim, the feeling of player in front of me, Topping does give the feeling that it’s not adding anything to the recording, I have to say it’s also quite in-your-face like Naim but projected differently, hence I might want to keep trying DAC but in the same direction.

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I doubt many Chord DAC users are doing that as they have coax inputs which are ideal for connecting a Naim streamer. There would be no point unless you have run out of SPDIF inputs for multiple digital sources.

Maybe you could try at home the Nd5xs2 and compare it bare vs connected to the topping?
If you prefer the topping, then you can upgrade with a better transport, like for example Innuos pulse.
But maybe you will realise that you prefer the Nd5xs2 alone.


I thought that Chord had only USB, as many dacs. Thanks for correcting me. :+1:

I’m one who uses an ND5XS2 via BNC into a Chord Dave, okay most of the ND5XS2 is wasted but its one hell of a transport and with todays used prices a steal.

Also the automation still works to a Naim pre so win win.


I’m another one but into the nDAC. I agree it’s one hell of a transport and the automation is wonderful into a Naim pre(SN3 for me)… FWIW I ran without an external DAC (just the ND5XS2) for well over a year and adding the nDAC was the first of a nice upgrade path for me.


Hi @frenchrooster unfortunately it could be a compromise, it depends on the quality of the bridge used to convert to usb to coax of vice versa.


Interesting, Have you always used Naim DAC(or non-Naim)? sorry if you have already answered it, What is the obvious change adding nDAC to ND5XS2? And what is subtle? Glad you confirm ND5XS2 as good streaming transport, I don’t have funds for NDX2 at the moment but in a perfect world it sounds like the way to go, which reduces box count without compromising sound quality.

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Maybe through this thread, from the beginning…
It’s a very good resource and answers your questions. :+1:

Best wishes


No worries. In short, “So what will adding a nDac to a ND5XS2 bring? IMHO NDX2 Sound quality for a lot less money.”

Check the 2nd response to this thread for my entire nDAC journey


Hi Simon, I opened a thread on usb to spdif converters for a naim dac, and in general, usb decrapifiers (within budget) asking forumites their take on those devices for a naim dac. May I request your opinion there (or here), I’d be very grateful! Thanks!

Thanks, yeah I did look up brands like Innuos, Lumin and Aurrender, they seem to make dedicated streamer transport. With Naim it’s often the case of buying more boxes, maybe NDX2 will solve the box count but that’s out of my budget, hence reading up what people say about ND5XS2, which looks good in used market.


Ndxs2 with SN3 is a nice combo. You will see if you prefer it to Bluesound Node with Topping. If not, you will not loose money when selling it . Of a little.