What will adding a Ndac to an ND5XS2 bring

I have an ND5XS2 paired with an nDac and 555DR and really like the sound it brings. I had, and still have, an NDX , and the new set up is superior. Bigger sound stage, great bass performance and greater separation…
I bought the ND5/nDac for half the price of an NDX2 and was going to stop there. But could not resist getting a preloved 555Dr. Adding the PSU did make things better but it was more subtle than I thought it would be.
My next step will be a ND555.

Not sure that helps in anyway , but the nDac does a great job when paired with the ND5XS2 even without a PSU.


Thanks CatalystV12V for the response I have noticed there are a few on the forum that run a similar digital setup and all rate it very highly.

I pondered on the move to the Ndx2 mainly due to the current amount available at the moment on the s/h market especially as the ndac’s are getting more difficult to source but decided to give it a little more time to see if one pops up.


Seconded. I think the “old” NDAC is one of Naim’s most under-rated products.


You could sell ND5XS2, buy used NDX2 for maybe £2k.

Or try and get an nDAC for circa £1k.

NDX2, whilst not universally liked by forum members it seems (especially since release of NC), is an excellent bit of kit. Quite a step up from ND5XS2 when we demoed.

We were originally aiming for ND5XS2 plus nDAC, but SWMBO wanted a remote control. At that time a used NDX2 was around £4.5k.

Now that used NDX2 are popping up for £3.5k or less, it’s a bit of a bargain.

Both nDAC and NDX2 can be improved by a PSU, although as @CatalystV12V says it’s not a “night and day” jump, more a subtle improvement over a number of sonic aspects - timing, decay, control, detail…. Taken as a whole a PSU is still a worthwhile investment on these boxes.


Up until recently I was using a Node, Ndac, 555DR and DC1 and can honestly say that despite what some will say about the Node this is a top class system. And I know I’ve replaced it with an ND555 but it’s taken two power supplies on the ND to surpass the performance of the former set-up, so it doesn’t disgrace itself and would no doubt be even better with an ND5XS2 providing the streaming engine!


Strange how option varies with the ndx2 , I’ve seen some say the difference between the Nd5xs2 and the ndx2 is night and day ( that dreaded phrase) and some say they hear little to justify the price difference, I would love to hear the ndx2 in my system to make my own mind up, maybe that might be worth trying to arrange with a local dealer.

To our ears the NDX2 was audibly better, and with a PSU the gap from the ND5XS2 stretches further. We heard both with 282/HCDR/250DR.

But every hifi component can split opinion, definitely worth a demo!

In terms of price difference I’ve just seen a 2019 NDX2 on a Facebook market group for £3k….

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That’s very interesting. We absolutely love the digital side of our system but have never demoed an ND555 (dealer said it wouldn’t really be worth the step up without a 552 too).

If we push on up the classic hierarchy we would likely get a 552 first.

I’m looking at a 552… should have it by Wednesday to demo in my system… :grimacing:


Wow you’re moving on up quick! Will be very interested in your feedback.

We’re still pondering next move…. and on which system!

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Nice leapfrog. :frog:


I’ll let you know how it goes… I’m pretty happy with what I’ve got at them moment so it will have to earn its stripes…
I had a modest windfall recently to make it possible, it’s also pre-owned 2021 model from my local dealer.

We’d call that nicely broken in :smile:

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I use nd555 with 52 … fully capable! :laughing:


Likewise, ND5555 into 52/135s sounds great to me.


You guys love spending my money :laughing:


Chris, any thoughts about moving to the NSS Streamer to replace the NDX2

I haven’t yet listened to the 333, although I plan to do so soon. I use my NDX2 with a separate DAC, so for me it’s unlikely that spending more cash on the newer streamer would be good use of funds. Also, some of what you pay for is improved functionality such as better system automation using optical connections, which is no use unless you have a complete New Classic system.

When using the NDX2 with its own DAC, to my ears it doesn’t really hold its own in a Classic system without a power supply upgrade (XPS or 555). It would be great if the 333 could achieve this.

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@silverback Are you still thinking about an nDAC to partner your ND5 XS2 ?

If you are interested…
Two available from UK, on the UK flea bay right now
(Maybe ignore the one in HK) ???

Good luck

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Off topic, but how does your ND5XS2+nDAC compare to your Turntable setup? I’m thinking about a TT but it has to at least match the ND5xs2+nDAC etc.

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