What will they think of next?

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“Available in several sizes to fit any four legged friend, your pet can enjoy virtual walks, immersive exercise, and have great fun.”

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Totally misses the point that dogs use their noses more than their eyes when they are walking!


Or totally misses the point that dogs don’t like to go for a walk on 1st April in case someone spoofs them😉



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I think it could have been funnier if there were a “virtual nose stimulator” too!

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It made me chuckle - took me in hook, line and sinker until I scrolled the email to see the rest:

Did you mean simulator? :wink:

Maybe not - I could have sworn I read ‘virtual mouse stimulator’ .

I note that there were no Cats in the Promo Pictures :joy_cat:

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There are small cats in the first pic. There’s another part of the email with a cat chasing virtual wireframe fish.

The trouble is I could actually believe that VR for dogs might exist! Googling brings up some weird novelty items, and there was also a link to VR for dogs being tested by the military.

It begs the question;
…BUT WHY?!:man_shrugging:t2:

Because the world is crazy :scream_cat:


No I did mean stimulator, but it’s true that Apple thought I must mean mouse rather than nose! Took me a while to notice.

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Nose stimulator makes sense in the context of your earlier post of course!

Do they seriously think they could persuade a Burmese to wear a VR headset?
“Look at my paws, human. I draw your attention to the ten needle sharp claws!”

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Pretty soon neither you or your pet won’t need to step out the door. You can get almost anything delivered these days and with the VR technology available you can fool your fat lazy self you’ve had a hard workout. Damn scary.


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