What's best comparison ND555 vs LP12 Klimax

Should be very bottom heavy though.


A six pack on each side.


Nice to hear from you, glad the Nova is still doing its thing! It’s a great little box for the money, semi regret moving it on!


Anyway, my LP12 is off for a holiday. Some tonearm problems so it’s back to base for some TLC. Tonearm Ekos SE jolts violently to the right when cueing. Dealer has managed to reproduce the fault. So off to Linn for repair.


I only just noticed this thread so i have not read every message. However, if it helps, I did notice that What HiFi reviewed the NG Klimax a few months ago and said, after several years, it was the only streamer they have heard that finally beat the ND555 as their reference source. Not surprising given the years between them; but I thought worth you checking out.

I personally do not fully trust any reviews, they are enterntaining, but they are all personally subjective, and of course we all have personally subjective views, so everything really depends on what you like.


Use you ears! Get a demo done before you buy Linn Streamers. See what you like :+1:

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While I enjoy streaming music during my commute and leisurely walks, I find that CDs and Vinyl records offer a superior listening experience at home.

Both my audio sources are Rega products. Both deliver exceptional sound quality, with the Rega TT exhibiting a slight edge in terms of performance.

I hear you (no pun intended); however, given What HiFi have consistently had the ND555 as their reference streamer for so long, I thought it was a useful piece of info to share that people may be interested in.

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The real surprise is this,
Any product of this type positively demands a top-class system. We use Naim’s ND555/555 PS DR and dCS’s own (now discontinued) Network Bridge as digital sources.
They then go and say that the rossini apex dac is let down by the streamer. The streamer inside the bridge and rossini are the same. Get that???
Then go on and say, judge this DAC by performance and it’s hard to imagine how it can be bettered. If you’re lucky enough to contemplate buying at this level, we envy you.

They aren’t really one to be taken very seriously at all.


The best review is your own ears


I do like what hi-fi and trust their reviews.

I don’t mean to sound difficult but the NB is quite a complete piece of hardware, it would need some more details to know that the streaming inside the Rossini is exactly the same, there are details such power supply, cable routing, many other tiny details that make a huge difference.

I don’t think just because they share the same network card, they are exactly the same implementation.

After all the CDS3 and CD555 share the same DAC, maybe different grade, but very different implementation and power supply arrangements.

The network bridge is a fantastic product. You are right. Its a shame they had to stop making it.
But it was designed to work alongside the older dCS dacs to give them streaming.
But it is basically the same streaming board as it’s been said so on the forum.
To get the best from it, you really want to use the twin aes connection’s.
But it’s been discussed many tines on the forum, and many have tried it against the bartok, rossini, and outcome is you don’t need it.
Plus, the rossini already has split power supplies built in, that provide less noise.

Inside the network bridge

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I remember a review on Stereophile on the network bridge, some years ago. It was at that time the Rossini non Apex and first generation. The guy found that the bridge improved the Rossini sound on streaming.
Now it must be different. The bridge must have something like 10 years now.

The network bridge came out in 2017, 5 years after the vivaldi.
The vivaldi has a streamer built into the upsampler.
Guess what the same streamer is in the bridge.
The rossini came out in 2015 and the bartok in 2018.

They all share the same basic streaming board as said by dCS.
Many have tried it on the forum like i said and found no difference.
It’s also the same streaming board naim use as well inthe nd555 and below. But obviously implanted differently.


Streaming Unlimited? Doesn’t look like it from the picture you shared.

To be hopefully more correct

Bartok, Rossini, Vivaldi Upsampler, and Vivaldi one all use the exact same network board. Network bridge uses an ever-so-slightly different one, but same exact CPU architecture, also it’s part of the board, unlike the others that have it separated.
The software is all a common code base so there is effectively no difference in the software between any of the products. There is not anything in the code which changes performance of the streaming interface depending on the device the card is installed.
None of that matters one bit in terms of actual performance. The network interfaces all sound the same. The sonic differences between the products come from the differences in digital decoding, power supply, etc.

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:scream:[quote=“glos_olly, post:47, topic:38425, full:true”]

[quote=“sean86, post:32, topic:38425”]I’ve never been particularly moved by the LP12
[/quote] :scream:
Absolutely the opposite of my experience.

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