What's going to happen to your music collection

What a depressing thread.


Your post makes great points. Ultimately as we all shuffle off the stage, so will most of the music of our generation. The emotional connections we experience with music are personal and often associated with experiences or memories unique to us and our generation. As such the market supply of our collections will inevitably dwarf future demand, if it hasnā€™t already. How many of us kept our parents or grandparents 78ā€™s?


Iā€™m meaning to start a thread about what happens to the system. Iā€™ll be back.

Now that is is very good pointā€¦

This thread is probably a timely prompt to write a will for themselves, or update it as necessary. Donā€™t expect somebody else to sort out what they regard as ā€˜tatā€™.:see_no_evil:


I donā€™t want to turn this into a depressing thread / ramble, but you make a very good point about updating a will, even writing a will, if you donā€™t have one. If one person achieves that, that in my book is a win.


If there is no appreciative beneficiary available then perhaps there is a new market opportunity for a national database of interested parties; upon the death of the owner the collection is nominated [from the will & testament] to new kind of specialist dealership who clear the house of the LP&CD collection, transport it to pre-owned music store for [honest] valuation, a percentage of the value [33.3% maybe symbolic] is paid to the beneficiaries, the rest to cover the expense of transport, overheads, profits etc.

The only stumbling block is the need for honest undertakings ā€¦pardon the pun.


Give it away while your still here. You can stream everthing when you want. I just gave away 6 totes full of CDā€™s to a used record store. I couldnā€™t throw them away. They CDā€™s and jewel cases were flawless. Hope they find good homes.

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Iā€™m not sure how long the current vinyl boom will last - in truth even as somebody heavily invested in the hardware to play it youā€™ve got to have a seriously good vinyl front end to come close to the quality level available from Tidal at the press of the button.

However, as someone who regularly visits second hand record shops and occasionally visits vinyl record fairs I have to say I am astonished at the prices charged at vinyl record fairs. I found bog standard mass selling albums in mediocre condition like say Kate Bush or Floyd or Fleetwood Mac selling in far from mint condition for Ā£15+. As a result it strikes me that any of us could quite easily just turn up with our vinyl collection and price everything at say around Ā£10 and sell absolutely shedloads simply on account of being heaps cheaper than the competitionā€¦ That strikes me as a viable option for our beneficiaries provided they donā€™t mind giving up a few weekends to make Ā£10k or moreā€¦ 1000 albums at Ā£10 each is after all Ā£10k!!! Nice work if you can get itā€¦

Just a thought!



Iā€™ve asked Mrs Pete to have a friend take a look but heā€™s got similar tastes to me a probably already got most of them. He will more than likely to take the good bits (boxed collections) the rest will probably end up in a second hand shop somewhere. My digital collection (server) will probably go with my main system.


About 20 years ago my Dad let me take his modest record collection, which he had no interest in. I burned most of them onto a single CD and gave him a copy; I donā€™t know if he ever listened to it. Odd to think that the music clearly had more nostalgia value to me than to him.

The collection has a small number of 78s, none of which seem especially notable. I donā€™t know if or when Iā€™ll find the motivation to get a hold of a record player with a 78rpm facility.


Some ray of light for this thread.


Thanks for posting this, added to the listening list :+1:


My books, CDs and records to Oxfam


Rega make a dedicated 78rpm turntable, the Planar 78, but only you can know if that outlay would be justified.

That would likely be my first choice, but I have so few 78s that I doubt that Iā€™ll bother.

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My cousin died recently. He was older than me and he had been quite influential on my musical direction in my youth. At the funeral his wife had put a large box of CDs out for anyone to take any they wanted as a way of remembering him. I assume the rest went to a charity or in the bin.


Thatā€™s a nice gesture.

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