Whats next

Ok I know I am just a beginner in the world of Naim audio. Just bought myself the Supernait 2 and as I have mentioned in other topics, picking up my ND5XS2 tomorrow. What would be the next upgrade path I could take for now??
I didn’t have the money for the NDX2 but would look to start saving up.

I would just enjoy what you have for now.

After then then look at a Hicap DR, perhaps a HiLine and Frain or Fraim Lite can make a big difference depending on what stand you have now.

I assume you are using Naim speaker cable, if not NACA5 would be worth trying, it’s designed to work with Naim and it does an excellent job.


I agree, enjoy what you have and resist that itch to upgrade.

Then, ideally, get to know a good dealer and let him/her demo options with you. Also, I would resist hasty upgrades as these are usually a mistake.

It has worked well for me over the decades.



Thanks for that…the speaker cable is not naim but it should be ok according to my HiFi shop.
Need £1000 worth and get my carpets lifted. So maybe that’s my first option.

Agree, we have two amazing shops here in the North East. Many thanks

If you haven’t all ready get the two units separated and isolated on a decent rack Quadraspire, Hutter, Isoblue are some makes that go well with Naim if Fraim is too pricey.

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Hi Got neither, just a good old oak unit with doors and seperated shelves by 2ft plus…I have also drilled holes in the back of the unit to enable cables to come out of…WIFE AINT HAPPY ABOUT THAT.
But once the grandkids grow up then thats my option. Or its going to get messy and I dont want that to happen

The SN2 is a fine integrated amp, and I got many years of enjoyment from mine. After about 6 years, I did decide to spend a fair bit more and upgraded to a 252, SuperCapDR, and the 300DR power amp. But again, for many years, I was quite happy with the SN2.

You might audition adding a HiCap2 DR to it, and see if you find it an improvement. I did, but that is not a totally universal finding.

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Just had a look …WOW now thats amazing. Best start saving
Could I not use the Supernait 2 as a preamp anyway ??

Many thanks

Using the SN2 as a preamp can be done as a step towards a proper pre/power separates system, but it’s never been regarded as a great solution. Better to trade in the SN2 towards a preamp whenever in the future the time comes! For now, just enjoy it; it’s a very nice amp!

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My kit lives on solidly built shelving - sounds fantastic. Tried Isoblue and Fraim - no detectable sonic improvement, added to which I really don’t like the look of any hifi racking. Money in the bank!!


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