When did this craziness start? Are our green goals misaligned with common sense?

You should watch the old clip on youtube of the Dean Martin roasts……with Foster Brooks roasting Jack Benny👍

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Similar story here, I now use an infuser like this


I remember being troubled by the use of plastic in supermarkets many years ago. The supermarkets produce items which are convenient and profitable … for them. They can’t be bothered about the environment or what we the consumers want. They provide us with what they think we should have in order to bolster their bottom line. If you think you detect a note of cynicism, you are correct.

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Must try those!

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A not uncommon occurrence, I’d imagine.


We haven’t used tea bags for years, we use similar devices. Much nicer cuppa as well.

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Swift had it about right in “Gulliver’s Travels”.

Having had the marvels of Humanity explained to him by Gulliver, the Brobdingnagian King’s summation was

" . . . . I cannot but conclude the Bulk of your Natives, to be the most pernicious Race of little odious Vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the Surface of the Earth."

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A couples of year back Mrs Gadgetwoman and I went to a newly opened Vegan restaurant, and we honestly went with an open mind. I do eat meat, but fully understand the need to reduce that. Anyway I ordered a fajita type dish, which consisted of 80% Tofu and 20% veg, and it was disgusting, to the point I felt sick for a few hours after, which having a cast iron stomach is a real challenge. I would have preferred more veg to reduce the pretend meat taste. Also at the end of all the courses, we felt that we had eaten an awful lot of processed food, so there was nothing healthy about the occasion.

I understand and support the need, but I think for now we will let the young help develop Vegan-ism a little further, as we all know the young can generally eat what they like without too much adverse effects.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

This is too bad yes, it’s often about feeling good about oneself rather than about actually making a tangible difference.

Vegans ditching their leather shoes and proudly posting about it online with their new iphones, which are full of toxic metals and designed to stop working properly after a few years, so that they are forced to keep buying new ones.

I’m very much in favour of a cleaner, greener, and more animal friendly world, but we do need real, systemic changes for that. Environmental micro-management (or micro-terrorism in the household…) is not going to change the world in the broad ways that are needed…

I used to go to Henderson’s in Edinburgh when I lived there - not because I had any vegetarian leanings, but because the food was good, interesting and tasty. Sadly, I understand Henderson’s closed.

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Insects are the answer

I can wholeheartedly recommend - it comes in bags …

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Yuck, not in my lifetime :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face:. I think I’d rather stock up on Baked Beans and Spam than eat them

Haven’t seen them here, I do prefer leaf tea over bags.

In general, me too. However it comes with reminiscences of my great grandmother who gave me tea as a 4 year old which was truly black, strong, bitter and had loads of leaves in it.

I’m still recovering by drinking lakes of mild coffee.

Opps, this isn’t the Grand Cafe? Or shall we open an affiliate Grand Cafe here?

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I strongly doubt ditching natural products for ‘vegan’ ones. I think it means in many cases spreading much more microplastics.

Nothing wrong with good (!) leather shoes, a cotton shirt and sheepwool for jumpers.

It also lasts much longer in my experience.

Good leather shoes don’t fit in with a Vegan lifestyle though :thinking:

“I love animals, they can sit right there next to the mashed potatoes and vegetables”

Seriously though I’m more impressed by Vegans than by ‘vegetarians’. It’s definitely a more commited approach!

This is fascinating and should be shown to any vegan or would be vegan. Whilst they may be doing it for reasons of cosmic karma they are kidding themselves if they are doing it for the environment. I’m sure there may be one or two on here who are vegans so no offence intended (Walter Jehne is a well respected climate scientist).

I’m not sure if the methane argument is really valid in this context, the world’s livestock size is kept artificially large, mostly for consumption (either directly or dairy).

If we stopped this type of consumption the number of livestock we keep would reduce drastically, which would also lower the amount of methane exhausted significantly.