Which SACD player? £3k budget

Looks like you have come up with a clever work around in both systems. Thanks for confirming ref the OPPO and DSD output.
Have you ever tried your Marantz as a DSD DAC or it’s up-conversion of PCM to DSD?

I am afraid the Viking is not a SACD player. Only Redbook CDs.

Thank you, I have a Pioneer UDP ( and it is very good ) but SACD is very definitely analogue only output.

I do get SACDs and it always annoys/ saddens me that I can only get a percentage of what is on the disc

I was aware of that but I was just looking at options and price points.

Can the Pioneer be configured like the OPPO UDPs with DSD through the HDMI?

Haven’t tried it but it is no longer being made, Pioneer hit a big brick wall a few years and survived by the skin of their teeth.

It is Technics, Marantz or Denon who seem to be the only manufacturers at your price point .

I have given a lot of thought to getting the Technics myself, I think it ‘s a lovely bit of kit and will be very friendly in design terms to my Nait 50


I’m an ex SACD user and may be able to throw some light on things? I used a top of the range Sony SACD777ES, that’s the one with the top that slides across. It was an absolute monster. However, the first thing I learned was that SACD was not necessarily better than normal CD. The next was that the internal DAC (and there were four profiles you could use) was not the last word in DAC’s. When I connected the Sony to a Naim Ndac this was brutally exposed and the standard CD output through the Ndac was much better than SACD output via the Sony. And no the Sony did not output SACD digitally, as people have pointed out. What I will say is that the Sony, used as a digital transport, was actually very good and it took a Naim CDP555 to displace it. I also had a CDX2 with digital output and I’d put the Sony on a similar level but a bit leaner and more detailed.

Unless there is some very special reason that you need an SACD player I would recommend looking at streaming as the rewards are far greater for a lot less money. Even a simple Node into Ndac with a decent switch will get you to a level or above SACD quality for around half the price.

Hope this helps?



Alternatively, if you look at the attached article is a SACD player essential as there are a limited number of recordings and unless you want the surround sound a plain cd player may even sound very nearly as good,!

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I think Pioneer was bought out by Onkyo.

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At some point they merged , then they got bought out , products are starting to emerge on Richer Sounds website

Interesting, was never much impressed by Sharp………but they seem to have survived?

Yes, some Sony Blu Ray players output DSD64 over HDMI. You then need a DAC that accepts DSD over HDMI. I don’t think any Naim product has that facility? This is how I listen to SACD.

I’ve had tbe Marantz and tbe Technics. The Technics was much the preferred ootion for me; ‘better’ SQ, beautifully built and thoughtfully designed, quiet transport, great connectivity (including streaming). It took an Esoteric to oust it. I now use a different solution, but Im actively considering ourchasing a high end player again. I do like tne physicality of playing discs, plus I’m becoming increasingly frustrated by albums disappearing from Qobuz due to licensing issues.


i think the only Sharp product i have ever owned was a microwave oven, which was functional and long lasting. I dont recall ever experiencing any of their AV products.

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From what I understand so far I believe that’s because Naim can’t decode dsd and therefore it’s only PCM. And digital connections cant handle dsd either. I think I got it right

Oh, now, that Arcam CDS50 sounds like a nice proposition actually :+1:t3:


It’s a shame about Pioneer isnt it? They made excellent products. I believe their plasmas still produce the best picture quality and were as sought after as Oppos

Yes they made good products , including the A400 Amplifier .

The first Japanese product to win Product Of The Year from What Hi Fi

We only compared the red book CDs and felt Marantz directly in naim amplifier was better rather going thru NDX2. BTW connected thru Atlas BNC cable.
