Which wine are you drinking? Tell us about it

Thanks Rod.

Perhaps a stupid question, but hope you might know. It always seems to me that there are two types of “off” wine:

Corked. The musty smell you describe

And ??? Which I always describe as a sort of acetone like aftertaste.

Is that me being daft, or is there a second type of off wine ?

This or very similar, it has some lovely aromatic flavours:


No such thing as a stupid question!!!

However, the answer is, er, complicated!!

You can get acetone (or specifically ethyl acetate and acetaldehyde) in some wines, and a small amount (in particularly some Sherries and botrytis-made sweet wines) is considered not just acceptable, but a positive character enhancer.

And then there is vinegar (which is the ultimate destiny for wine left ‘to the elements’. Indeed the word itself just means ‘sour wine’ vin aigre.)
This is the tricky part (and another generalisation alert is needed) because vinegar (acetic acid) in wine is actually caused by the oxidation of alcohol. However a catalyst for this can be the naturally airborne acetobacter bacteria, which can convert other acids into acetic acid.

Ethyl acetate, acetaldehyde, and acetic acid, in terms of smell and taste perception, can overlap and resemble one another (as their names suggest). Acetone is usually used as a solvent (think brand new marker pen) or over-ripe banana. Acetic acid is the flavour of (salt and) vinegar crisps. Both are present, to some degree, in many wines (maybe even most) and are expressed as ‘volatile acidity’. A minuscule amount is unnoticeable, a tiny level may help. Too much is a problem.
But it’s personal (both someone’s susceptibility to it, and whether they view it as good or bad).

Something you find unpalatable may be delicious to someone else, because either they have a higher tolerance to, or cannot taste, the substance, or don’t mind (or even quite like) it if they can.

As with the TCA thing, these substances are all natural and harmless, however unpleasant they may be. Nothing that naturally happens to wine can do you any harm. Apart from the alcohol. As I imagine not-just-me can attest to today!!!

Hope that helps!


Top man. Many thanks. I suspect it is something that I’m sensitive too, as some times comment on it, and partner does not notice

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Really enjoyed this smooth red with another air-fried ribeye steak tonight. Maybe a little sweet, subtle tannins, but pretty full bodied.

Seems excellent for £6.99 at LIDL.



Picked up a couple of bottles today, and am currently slurping my way through one of them, to accompany Dave’s world famous, (well, as far as the grandkids are concerned), home made meat feast pizzas.

I have to agree with you that Lidl do turn out some lovely everyday wines at unbelievably low prices.

They may not appear on the aficionados’ radar, but I’ve posted some here in the past which had no right to taste this good at their respective price points.

:wine_glass: :yum: :yum:


A few had with ham on Christmas day.



A lovely silky Pinot Noir …on offer from Vinatis €17.90 per bottle .
Have just ordered a dozen .


Dry January has ended in magnificent failure this evening with one of my favourite Saint Emilion wines:

Accompanied by The Boss. Had this LP on heavy rotation today.

Happy 2024 to all guzzlers on this thread.


Come on, Mainsteen is like Californian Merlot, you’re more innovative like that :wink:

Cheers mate :champagne:

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Absolutely. Cueing up some Jean Michel Jarre to accompany the Bordeaux.


Oh yes @Isca_Dumnoniorum this is a perfect choice for it. I recently listened to my Oxygene UK first press and it blew my living room away :+1:

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With A. in Milan, starting the year 2024 with confidence.


So … I posted a month or so ago that I received The World Atlas of Wine by Jancis Robinson, but was finding it difficult to read due to its size and weight. Well … it is now available as an ebook, but there is also a free (for some reason) PDF download of the 8th edition atlas.
I recommend a book purchase first as its important to have the actual book and maps for reference and for paying the author.

Its been so nice to be able to read it in bed as I don’t generally read fiction. I’m also hoping that reading it this second time will cement more of the vast amount of information into my memory.
Its a very interesting read by the foremost authority on all things wine related.


Terre Bianche, Dolceacqua, 2022.

This was one of my great discoveries in 2023.

Made with Rossese in the Ligurian hills above Ventimiglia and Bordighera. I smell and taste a contrasting mix of red fruits and salinity, the fabulous color without doubt provided by the beautiful sunsets of the land.

We were provided this wine for the first time for dinner in Bordighera Alta, and it was love at first taste.

Looking forward to investigate further, I think I was given a very good contact by a steemed member of the forum and I plan to spend a few nights with the family in Terre Bianche.


Lovely people Filippo is a friend (and an audio/vinyl lover!). Great wines.

Easy access from Nice airport!!

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Post Christmas Covid stopped me posting at the time but here is the dessert wine we had. A recommendation from the ever reliable Latitude in Leeds. Not too sweet it went well with every pudding.


Dinner with the family last night.
Thoroughly delightful.


Out to lunch with my brother, chicken Veronique on the menu.
Most of us drank a 2014 Riesling. Very fruity, but could not pinpoint the exact fruit, with a hint of acidity. Very tasty.

Others, my brother and nephew went red. Rather pleasant, if a bit young for me.