Why is my ND5XS2 a railway station?

Finally, the new ND5XS2 got in to play with the SN3. All perfect, a match made in heaven… or, at the railway station? For what reason ever, the Naim app shows “Bahnhof” when I play internet radio:

There must be a setting where this can be edited, but I cannot find it. Anyone any idea?

This has come up previously. Presumably it should be Radiosender. It’s worth reporting to Naim Support, as it’s clearly the wrong translation.

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So the easy fix would be to set it to English? Which does not seem to be possible either. Posted Naim as per your suggestion.

In English it just says Station, so this seems to have been mistranslated to Railway station instead of Radio station.

In case it’s not clear, this is the heading of a newly added information box which you will see if you scroll down. Somewhat unnecessary in my opinion, but it’s there.

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I think the Naim app uses the system setting for language. So unless you want to change that one, you’ll have to wait for a fixed translation.

I also thought „Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof“, when I saw it first time. Until I realized the above described context.
Let’s hope, the next app update will fix this.

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Ain’t no way to edit system settings either. Only time zone can be changed. Any english speaking country in GMT+2?

But it complies with the current version of the German website. Clearly machine translation, and a very cheap machine. Not really appropriate for a top notch brand.
But who cares. The sound is amazing.

Try Kenya.

Tried Kenia, but the language stays as it is. Funny.

Naim reply: “Thank you for providing feedback on the translation of the app, we have already fed this back to our software team who are currently working on a fix for all the translations, we apologise for the inconvenience in the meantime.”

I like their style.

My daughter likes it


Ok, for a while I suspected som sneaky marketing, Bahnhof is a large ISP here in sweden.

I think country and genre are good infos to find the station on other streamers. For example: where can I find the mother heart jazz ?

Agreed, but I would want to see that info when choosing a station, not after I’ve hit the play button.

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Hi Chris. Let me give you an example: let’s say you want to suggest me to listen to the station ‘mother earth jazz’. I can’t find it using the find function in the naim app (I don’t know why). How can you tell me how to find that station if you can’t see the country and genre info?

Quickest way to locate station (country/genre) info is to use vtuner.com

Click “check out our huge station list” to get to a search. Search results show country/genre.

Thanks Chris.
…And if I look for 'mother earth jazz’ instead of 'mother heart jazz’ , I can find it in the naim app too. :grin:

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