My Muso qb2 is currently connected by WiFi. I want to switch to Ethernet. Is this achieved by simply plugging in the cable between the muso and the router?
Any special steps to make?
That would be the most basic way to connect it but if you want to improve the sound (by reducing ethernet noise) then you may want to look at a switch and some better ethernet cables?
So, no special steps to make? Should the muso be unplugged from power when the cable is inserted or can it be connected when running?
When running is fine.
For a QB, I wouldnt bother with extra switches and premium cables.
Thanks. So the switch should be seamless?
Nothing to change in the app?
Sorry for so many follow-ups.
Yes, just plug it in , give it a few seconds then select as song, sit back and enjoy.
Just so you know, if you switch back to Wi-Fi from Ethernet you will likely find it has forgotten your network/WAP details, so it would need setting up again (i find that a bit annoying on my NSC 222).
Thanks - good tip.
Most devices will use Ethernet by default, when present, even if WiFi has been set up and used previously.
Not switching back to the preset WiFi credentials once Ethernet is removed is a bit of an oversight!
With my NDX2 it switches automatically as you unplug / plug in the ethernet cable .
I have never left it on Ethernet for long enough to know if it looses the WiFi settings after sometime disconnected !
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