Wilson Benesch Precision P2.0 Floorstanding Loudspeaker vs Kudos Titan 606

Cheers @Sinewave I did try a rug, but it may not have been big enough as it seemed to create a dead-spot in the middle.
I do have a huge Turkish rug I may try, but with my dog trundling in and out with mucky paws I’d need to just have it in place whilst listening, but worth a try.

The patio doors do have blinds above them.
The blinds are made of plastic and are the type that can let through filtered light or block it completely.
The sound with the blinds down is much worse.
I’m guessing that the taught plastic is working in conjunction with the glass to reflect the sound in an even worse manner than the glass by itself.
I may look into replacing the plastic with a heavy material if that is possible.


You have to live in a room to listen to music in it, so there will be compromises. 18 inches from a side wall is closer than ideal, and a fairly hefty cloth curtain on both sides and a rug that covers the area around the first reflection point on the floor between tweeters and ears would both be on my list of things to try soon, but some trial and error and asking a non-hifi person to provide a second pair of ears may well be needed.

It will all be worth the effort - honest!


Your 606s will continue to improve over a few hundred hours of listening, they really improve with time. If you are a digital only listener, some dsp may really help in your room - works wonders in mine to counter some of my room modes.


Thanks @NickofWimbledon
I get your point, and heavy curtains would indeed significantly improve the acoustics, but would look ridiculous bisecting my 25ft x 20ft lounge.
The vaulted ceiling height is 10ft in that area and 2 pairs of 25ft heavy curtains would be very bulky, very expensive and look completely out of place.
I think the sound as it is is extremely good and whilst I appreciate that it could be much better if I could follow your advice, but first and foremost it’s a lounge, not a dedicated listening space, so I’ll have to be content with what I have.


Might be worth having a listen to a Linn Selekt or a last gen Klimax. The SO “room correction” is superb and would enable you to keep your room pretty much as is.


Thanks @Marq and @Dave for your DSP suggestions.
I’ll not be upgrading for a year or so, but the Linn Selekt does appear to be something I should consider.
I note The Audiobarn do stock it, so will be worth having an in-home demo when the time comes.
Good idea - Thanks!


Maybe Roon and the DSP options it can provide should also be a consideration.

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Enjoy your 606s.

The Linn Selekt DSM; Edition Hub works very well with the Kudos Titan 606 loudspeakers.


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