I meant that you could have perhaps shipped to the UK & used Class A, pre-Brexit - but I am sure the hassle & additional cost now, will mean thats not viable. Sorry about that.

(I did not vote for Brexit).

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Why does Brexit need to be in capital letters? It’s decided and we live with it. It’s just too depressing and it would be good to keep it out of the Forum discussions.

Understood. Yeah, maybe would have been an option. Shipping was cheap and easy. It is still not so bad now, 20 euro instead of 10, but there is some customs hassle. However I sold PowerLine Lights to UK punters (we get them included in the package) and due to the virus mutant could not ship before the end of the year. Turned out it was not that bad to get the customs sorted - look up the kind of device on the UK customs website and enter the number into the DHL website where you download the shipment label.

I don’t think Brexit as such should be discussed :wink:

Changed it for you. OK…?

I agree. In any case, its now the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement or TCA.

I will wait until the dust settles and the confusion over VAT and import duty has been sorted out, hopefully by mid 2021.

After that, Class A and perhaps Cymbiosis can expect some business from me. The service and DR conversion costs here in Germany are not bad, but Darran is unbeatable for recapping/service and Cymbiosis will hopefully be able to put together an affordable LP12 with used parts.

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You are not thinking of sending to Darran for a DR conversion though, are you?

Good plan. I believe the next ‘step change’ will be at the end of March - when goods coming in the the UK (from the EU) will no longer just get waived (or it is waved…?) through…

No, that will have to be done by the German distributor, who can do that on behalf of Naim to factory specifications, or at HQ. I have a few CB items for Darran and some black box non-DR and DR equipment that can be serviced by him.

For CB equipment he is unbeatable. With the DR equipment, I will have to compare his service price plus shipping to the UK and back with the total cost of having the service done by the German distributor.

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