XS power supplies: XP5 on nDAC and Flatcap2 on Nait XS3 benefits?

Great amp - hopefully you’ll be pleased with it. What’s it replacing?


Congrats! The XS3 is a great amp!


That is the purpose of this thread, to finally hear from people who have actually tried.

After that all avenues are good of course, but at least it will be informed not this easy dogma.


I use a 2009 nDac with a XP5XS from 2014 and I can say it adds a lot to the nDac performance in terms of better bass, more clarity and seperation, also better dynamics. Everytime I tried without the sound became less involving, still very good though but it was a clear difference. Hadn‘t have the chance to compare with XPS but can recommend the XP psu. Source is ND5XS2, Amp SN2 with HCDR, and Ovator s400.


It will be replacing a Sugden A21a that is around 10 years old.

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Thinking it’s just great what you’re doing, which is encouraging a reasonable number of user cases - to share on this thread - with differing experience of XP5 XS. Including with nDAC.

Don’t think anyone has done that before. Been pleasantly surprised how many have joined in and shared their views.

Turning into a useful resource
It’s all good :+1:



I should add that if there was a way of auditioning a Flatcap without committing to purchase first I’d probably do it. Due to the way the current Australian distributors are clearing stock, it’s an online only situation and I’d be buying up front on blind faith. The (ex) dealer who queried the advantages of the benefits has essentially divested themselves of Naim stock in-store, due to changes in Australian distribution from the parent company.

I’ll be watching this thread with ongoing interest.


Ok so I jumped on the special deals and ordered a Flatcap to run with my XS3. The cost is relatively modest and so I thought worth the effort.

Courier says it should be here by the end of this week. Hoping I can make an honest, objective assessment- and not be wracked by post purchase confirmation bias :joy:. Updates to follow.


I’m interested in how this performs, hopefully well. :+1:


First impressions are positive. I thought I’d register my observations while my sonic memory of the XS3 alone was relatively fresh.

I think the bass is firmer, more pronounced. Better soundstage too…?

I may return to update this as it settles in.


Not directly relevant but an interesting (to me anyway!) observation. Many years ago now I recall adding a used SNAPS power supply to my 42.5/110. This before I was able to afford a HiCap. It was with an LP12 and Kans.

At first I didn’t particularly like the effect. Everything sounded more solid, focussed and dynamic for sure, but I felt it also introduced a kind of unwelcome hardness to the sound. The bare 42.5/110 sounded easier-going and more listenable in some ways.

I swapped back and forth several times and eventually felt that it was in fact definitely better with the SNAPS and that what I perceived as hardness was in fact increased focus and clarity. There was less room for any nasties in recordings to hide.

But it does illustrate that adding a power supply may bring with it some less welcome effects that perhaps could highlight weaknesses elsewhere that may require addressing to restore the balance.

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Having already got a CD3.5 (with new laser!), NAT03, & FC (all currently in my wife’s system), and with the units going on the auction site for modest sums ( in “Naim” terms :laughing: ), I’ve often wondered about going full active with, say, IBLs.

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I think that has been noted before. Springs to mind 555 vs 555DR on an nDAC, where some prefer the “lesser” PSU.

Do you already have a naxo/ixo?

I’ve a nait5, ixo, hicap and nap 140 and want to run an active system based on this. Perhaps my td165 as source but then I need a stage line too. All into ibls. :slight_smile:

I had IBL’s for 17 years with an olive 250. I loved them and to go active with another 250, or even 4 x 135’s would have been the obvious and logical next step. Unfortunately I just couldn’t do it - and for the most mundane of reasons. We lived in an apartment at the time and so the lounge was the only room I could use for the system. I had it on Fraim and the layout of the room simply prevented another stack of Fraim from being positioned anywhere. Damn it!

Actually thinking back I’m sure I could have found some solution if I’d really tried hard. But life was so hectic with work and play that I just couldn’t find the time.

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Don’t have an IXO, but do have a spare (and currently unused) NAXO - my SBL system uses a SNAXO-Supercap into a pair of 250s (all Olive, naturally).

However my DB says she’s quite happy with her CD3.5-FC, NAT03, Meridian 101/103D, Kans……

….so I’m not allowed to buy any more hi-fi……… (but more Lego is OK :smile: )


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