2-stack stacking order?

Festive greetings all! With my second rack wending its way to me this week from Paul at Solid-Sounds, I now have the conundrum of which stack, and which order? My initial thought is as below, and imagine you’re looking at the stacks front on. Limitation is there has to be two stacks of three!

Supercap DR NAC282
NAP 250 DR Audiolab CDT

Constructive thoughts please?



Ideally you want the XPS DR, Supercap DR, and NAP 250 on the right hand rack (transformers are in the front right hand corner of the boxes and should be kept away from the other non transformer boxes), with the others on the left hand. Naim pre-amps like to be on the top of the rack, this gives slightly better SQ. Dunno why, but it does.

However, I think the actual stacking order will be dictated by cable dressing. Three levels is low and I suspect you will get Burndy cables touching the floor, which received wisdom (and my own experience) tells us is a no-no.


Thanks Graeme. Actually the two racks sit on top of a very solid wooden low divider, so cables will not be dragging on the floor.

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In that case, for the left hand rack I would put them thusly:

NAC282 (likes being on top)
Audiolab CDT (accessibility)
NDX2 (only shelf left)

Right hand, whatever order works best/easiest for cabling.

It may be that for aesthetic reasons you would want the two Naim units on the left to be together. In which case I’d be inclined to put the CDT on the bottom level, if knees are OK with that.


Perfect! Just the advice I was looking for. Thank you… it just needs to arrive now!

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Who knew that having everything in the right place stacking wise would make such a difference! Wow… everything sounding better… So glad I’ve taken the time to get the solution… Thanks also to those who gave advice! :sunglasses: @Graeme @nicnaim

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Out of interest, have you ever tried the equipment on the floor without the wooden cube rack? I bet it would sound even better.

No room unfortunately. Also, that piece of furniture is solid mahogany. I’d be very surprised if it was any worse than some of the cabinets I’ve seen in use on here.

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