2023 Upgrades Complete

2023 was a year of major changes and a huge step forward overall:

  • Establishment of a dedicated listening room
  • installing dedicated mains
  • installation of room acoustic treatment (GIK Acoustics)
  • Naim Fraim light (+ some additional glass bottoms) instead of sideboard
  • CDT 6000 replacing my older Vincent CD player
  • Nait 50 + ND5XS2 as replacement for Uniti Atom

What a wonderful year…


That is a lovely looking set up


Similar to what I’ve done to fund my change this year! When I turned 50 I opened a second savings account to fund a sports car, driving a boring family car for so long takes its toll :grimacing: So I’ve been putting what I can into that, most going into our main savings account but things like work bonuses etc going into the ‘fun’ account. I started aiming at a Nissan 350Z, then as the years past and I thought that if I save a bit longer I could go to a 370Z, then as my disposable income went up over the past few years that went on to dreaming about a V8 Jag F-Type! However a few months ago things changed, health concerns caused a reevaluation, and the fact that the state of the roads here are dreadful, both potholes and traffic, I started to think I wouldn’t get to enjoy a car like that as much as I’d like to. Music gives me so much enjoyment almost everyday that it wasn’t such a hard decision in the end and I’m not regretting it … although it may be a wrench when I next see (and hear!) an F-Type drive past!


Mark - a friend had a F Type and I thought was a beautiful thing but then he took me out in it. I found it excruciatingly uncomfortable and a noise level way beyond what I could cope with. Turned out the same for him. He’s now got a Flat 6 Boxster, now that is superb.


Thanks Lindsay, that helped :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi frenchrooster,

Because my previous phonostage was mm.I needed an mc phonostage. I’ve changed everything at same time. However the upgrades have it all made magical. I would say that the tonearm, cartridge and phonostage are responsible. The Trampolin 2 and T kable won’t add a great deal. The Karousel didn’t do alot either.

The individual settings on the Tom Evans make no difference I can hear.

I needed a phono stage. I bought it blind and the system sounds great. It’s only by swapping in and out other phono stages that I can compare!


2023 upgrades are more of a final finishing off of some loose ends for the long haul into retirement… So,

XPS non DR to a PS555 for the NDX2.
Supercap non DR to a new SCDR for my 252.
252 and 300 all serviced.

The Linn will get the odd service and cartridge as required but my hifi journey is at an end. Phew!


Gone from two stacks of Fraim to one losing the 552/500 setup, sick of the room looking like a HiFi shop :frowning: and we all know the 500 needs a Fraim to perform at its best!

In comes the Nait 50 from the second setup but I’m not finished yet (I have a few days left before 2024 :grin:) with more changes this week to complete my final setup.


@stuart.ashen Glad to know you have reached the satisfied stage. I am not sure where I stand as this is first Naim system. I may only do minor upgrades when needed such as a new cartridge. So far I really like what I hear.

I would like to hear from others who see their current system as final.

There is a financial reality that lusting after a 500 system would mean a return to work for me so I am done!

So many here seem happy with a good source and integrated amp, some even downsizing to this end. If you like what you have there is no need to continue upgrading Jaybar.


@stuart.ashen getting into this unleashes my compulsive and perfection tendencies. For us the biggest change has been streaming. We never were able to hard-wire before now. WiFi sucks in our environment so we never had streaming until now. To my ears the system seems well balanced. Your suggestion to stop is a good one. Thanks.


Ain’t over until the fat lady sings :laughing:


@LindsayM i am interested in hearing from those who have ceased upgrading. Coy comments about fat ladies are both fat shaming and not responsive to my request.

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Help me please, that was self mockery, obviously far too nuanced. Okay I intended to get off, quite a few years ago, at CDX2/XPS/282/200/Dyna 1.8 but urm didn’t work out that way! As for the statement it’s a time honoured expression most often used in opera circles but also baseball. But now I know it’s on the banned list I’ll retire - disgracefully. Happy new year :grinning:

Edit: Suspending myself from my own thread, quite an achievement!


@PaulDavies I am sorry if I offended Lindsay and anyone else. Thanks.

I took no offence. A reminder that colloquialisms, especially colloquialisms that rely on cultural allusions, are like humour: they don’t translate very well.


I’ve been at my finished Classics system for 4 years now, and I don’t even lust for a 500 series upgrade. I have no desire to move to it. I consider it a rather diminishing return on the very expensive cost to upgrade.


Jos - you’re not in a bad place, like those Dynas!

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Yes. One for the digital section and one for the Analog section. I think it’s a bit redundant.

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