250 added to Uniti-Lite

There are some great buys for 250s. Can I connect it to my Lite? I’m using Saras which are fantastic!

Yes, you can use the cable suppled with a 250 to connect it to your Unitilite. Whether that’s the best use of funds compared to upgrading the source and preamp too is another matter, but a 250 is certainly a big upgrade on the power amp in the Unitilite.
Lots of older 250s are now outside their service widow, so be sure to check the history of any amp you are considering or budget for a service on any amp that’s older than 8 to 10 years.

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Thanks ChrisSU. Your good sense made me pause. I bought a Nova and am thrilled with the performance and connectivity. I have a Panasonic Blu Ray player is UHD and excellent machine for musical reproduction. The player has balanced XLR outputs taking female plugs. At present I link the player to the Nova but a good quality RCA digital cable. Would there be any advantage to linking the player to the Nova by the balanced XLRs and if so what connector to the Nova would fit?

Probably best sticking with the digital RCA. Balanced XLRs are analogue and the nova has no balanced inputs.

Good to hear you’re enjoying your Nova. It doesn’t have a balanced input, so just stick with the unbalanced RCA input.

Thank you el_soldado. That has saved me some time!

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