250 vs 300

In essence yes, they share a good number of parts, including transformer, regulators and output devices, and the amp boards and regulator boards are very similar. Note though that the NAP300 adds extra heat sinking and cooling, as well as a lot more real estate that allows everything to be spaced out a bit better. The benefits of this provide an appreciable step up in performance, and as well as a fairly significant increase in price. Despite the amount they share, the NAP300 is the better amp; but if you use a car analogy, that’s like saying that the Ferrari 250GTO is a better car than the 250 SWB Competizione…


Thanks for the explination @Richard.Dane - I know in my system my 300DR is going no where

As we say in the Champagne world, the best Champagne is the one you enjoy the most, so if the 250 works for you in your system then 250 if the 300 is your choice QED

one thinfg is for shore they are both superb AMP’s


Thanks Richard for explaining as its what i was saying.
Shame that some didn’t believe me and try and twist it, but its plane to see the similarities in them both

However, I can’t explain it, but I find the 250 dr closer sounding ( signature of sound, not level) to the 500 dr , rather than 300 dr.
I read some similar comments as mine too in some old threads.

Twist what? You run the marketing average joe way of describing the amount of difference and I the engineering. It sounds like slicing a pizza in two and say two pcs taste better than one. An Naim engineer would never describe the difference like this. I never said they are not similar. All naim amps probably share the greater part of amp design. All the work, pcb re routing, fans, heat sinks, better components etc lead to 300DR. Of course they share ideas components and schematics. But to say “it’s a 250 in two boxes” is just humiliating to Naim employees putting lots of work in making a great box even better.


How many pizzas… sorry 250 DR, do we need for a Statement? :joy:

Sorry I couldn’t resist :joy: :joy:


Lol. I think you forgot to put the extra cheese topping on the 300.

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The Statement Pizza for you Thomas :+1:t3:


Nap 100




Have you ever eaten a proper pizza?

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Clearly not!

Here you go again lol
I can’t be bothered to repeat myself, its all above

I thought it was age restrictions in using lol.

Is it an unauthorised modification to add creme fresh and a poached egg on top, to the pizza?

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Then you get Mcintosh.

Or Schitt.



Authorised. But not tomato sauce covering the power plug.

problem is not in the dressing :sweat_smile: but in the crust.
A problem burn (in) :smile:would somehow solve