250 vs 300

No I cannot! :upside_down_face:

I could give my opinion on why - mechanical coupling etc… and also that when I personally experiment with them touching floor, wall or other things then it degrades the SQ big-time - to the extent I once returned an item many years ago to my Dealer after home demo as it was rubbish-sounding dull and overblown …but then later I discovered the Burndy cable needed to be free and my second home demo had that fixed and it was a totally different experience with exactly the same equipment item.

But all I can do is report what I found - others can decide for themselves or not! :bear:

Once you get a good install done then you should never need to touch it again is what I find. De-stressing is finding the orientation you need the cable to be placed into when connected into the sockets on the equipment and then gently ‘wiggling’ them to allow the internal cable loom to settle toward that desired shape.

Great fun - someone to help (hold the other end)…helps - then forget you ever needed to do it and let it all settle-in after install.

…context is perhaps important - in a revealing Active system it was not a small thing to get right.


As Trump would say: then it is a hoax

SNAIC shaker at Naim’s


Found here (factory tour 2016) :
–> http://audiophilemusings.blogspot.com/2016/05/

That machine only measure how many swings the cable can last until it breaks.

I have seen the SNAIC Shaker at full tilt. Impressive piece of automation, and saves rows of embarrassed technicians shaking their thangs!

Yes, but a snake is an audio signal cable.
The burdnys of the 300 aren’t.

Nope, the SNAIC Shaker’s only reason to exist is to destress!

Both signal and power cables benefit from destressing.

Honest guv!

I believe it is a conspiracy that it is a conspiracy. :crazy_face:

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If it is so important then I really do not understand why there is no definitive cable dressing guide from Naim. They provide the boxes, the cables, and the Fraim. Many setups are similar when using only Naim. So why is there not a guide that explains how to stack boxes in Fraim for best effect and minimal cable hassle. There could be several examples too. Maybe even helpful tools so that people don’t have to rely on heater isolation from the hardware store. All test-listened by Naim and with a logo of course

Naim - rightly or wrongly - expect a Dealer to sell and install their stuff and to be able to sort all that out for the Customer so that he is happy with the end-result…but obviously that is an ideal that cannot happen many times!

In my case my Dealer always offered to do the install - in early days even did so - but later said I knew as much if not more than they did so were not unhappy if I did it myself - if it meant I was happy!

I learned from my Dealer and from certain people at Naim who made it a big part of demonstrations at shows to go through all of what was important - and in their opinion why.

Perhaps Naim could collate some of that stuff into a friendly guide - I’d love to read it and check if there was something I’d missed! :slightly_smiling_face:

In my case it was more by accidental discoveries learning that for the performance level with an Active system I wanted to attain - it was rather important to do and get right. Experiment and learning from that over time means I generally now know what of two or three cables needs a little de-stress once in a while to clear a perceived problem; sometimes it could also be that some movement of the cable also slightly cleans a contact - whatever the case it works and I’m then off to a few hours of music and forget about the why and only that it is solved.

But a Naim ‘expert set-up manual’ - or even an otherwise locked but official Naim thread into which their people list all of what they recommend would be great!
There was/is one for building Fraim I recall - why not ‘Cable-dressing Essentials’ or whatever.

The main thing is to have it either a locked or heavy-moderated thread - or it will go mad and end-up useless - just my opinion.



An official set up/cable dressing guide would be great. I doubt it will ever happen as I suspect Naim do not want to give the impression that their kit is overly complicated/susceptible to fussy set up.

Maybe a section in FAQ’s here in the forum on the subject, protected from trolling, would be a good halfway house.

Maybe only Naim nerds in this forum love complication to have something to do and Naim themselves go meeeh :sunglasses:

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I think they can safely assume that this ship sailed long ago :smiling_imp:

Your body doesn’t carry an audio signal, but if you do some stretching before listening, you will enjoy more.


Another week has passed by and I start to really miss the punch and as I remember it increased bass response (amplitude) from the 250DR. Sure the 250DR is a bit more stubby and not as tender but I lost something moving to 300DR that I continue to miss in my system and room. The 300DR is very gentle, soundstage is wide and digs deeper into the recording but still it feels a bit to gentle on the lower regions. It goes deep and all but the power in the bottom end is simply not there in my ears. So it’s either changing amplification back to 250DR or add 555PSU to the 300DR and hope that solves the laidback bass issues or change speakers… Anyone else have the same experience if we focus on the bass area mainly? To laidback IMO and maybe that’s why I now find the mids to be more problematic.

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I have not personally heard the 300DR but what you say you are experiencing I have heard said before on a couple of occasions.

Personally No on bass issues my 300 was first non DR and then Upgrade, when the DR started to feed in i need to slightly adjust my speaker postion - IMO there is no loss of bass in the 300DR

the focus of he 300 offers for me is a delight, and maybe my ears prefer the sound of the 300

on another thread on 272 about adding 555 to max out your 272 to match the focus of the 300 speak to @anon4489532

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Naim - rightly or wrongly - expect a Dealer to sell and install their stuff and to be able to sort all that out for the Customer so that he is happy with the end-result

Only in the UK unfortunately…


I think the differences are very much system dependent. I’ve heard a 300DR sound very relaxed in a top flight system, and I’ve heard it sounding like a 250 on steroids in a lesser system. Always trust your own ears.

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