252 NOT boring!

do love some cake!haha

Igel DON’T!

More analogue sounding.

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The 252 DR is capable of good sound staging and resolution but is sensitive to the power cable used. I love playing it loud, sounds so natural and real.


Yes it is. I’m using a Neotech The Grand right now, it works very good. I’ll try different power cables to see if there is more to get out of it.

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Good to know! I have been meaning to try this cable someday.

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The 3200 is also good and if I was feeling flush I’d go for the Amazon, that is one good cable, according to those who have heard it. I’m not sure I want to do that.:grin:



I thought it was my 76 year old ears, but when I had my 282 / SCDR / 250DR, the music was great, but I had trouble understanding the lyrics to songs. I had the opportunity to trade up to a 252 / 300DR, and lo and behold, the music got REALLY great, and I could understand the lyrics to songs! Go figure, was it the 252 that made the difference?
Needless to say, my 252 / SCDR / 300 DR is as good as it needs to be.


It makes me thinking that, when I will reach 120 years old, I don’t doubt it at any moment, I will probably need a full Statement to understand the lyrics.


Have been listening all day when not cleaning the house or taking care of my daughter (she has a cold) and man everything sounds exceptionally good. Hopefully it will continue to do so. You never know when it comes to me and hi-fi :blush:


I’ve never understood the criticism of the 252. On home demo I immediately preferred it to the 282 I owned and the move was a no brainer. I can’t justify the price of a 552 so 252 is where I’ll be staying.
Paired with a 300DR, the 252 is streets ahead of the 222/250 NC combo I heard when auditioning a Vertere TT. Not heard the new 300 stuff and I’m in no great rush to hear it either.


I actually have an olive supercap here which is, if I am correctly informed, the same as a supercap2. I just might give it a go and see how that sounds. See if it can become a boring pre.

I believe - although I stand to be corrected - that the NAC252 is fairly similar to its predecessor, the NAC52.

I’ve had an NAC52 since it was launched (1990), and I would never change it, although it’s well overdue a return to Salisbury to have a check over and sprinkling of fairy dust.


… and a lot of new tantalum capacitors, as happened with our lovely 52.

The schematics for circuits in the 52 and 252 are apparently very similar but the physical components are very different.

The 52 is chock full of circuit boards.
Open up a 252 and you wonder where everything went!

Best regards, BF


That would be an interesting experiment for sure, id always put it down to setup when people didnt like a 252 but we could be on to something

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They are the same functionally, but I believe the latter, apart from the different case, has a larger transformer, so they are not identical.

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Not sure why these type of threads still seem to pop up, I’ve said it numerous times before, the vast majority of people who had issues with the 252 were when they were using it with pre DR kit. DR kit has been out for 10+ years now, it completely changed how the 252 sounds (as it basically did with any piece of kit it was added too). In recent memory I don’t recall anyone posting they’ve tried a 252 with DR kit & found it boring, just lots of threads of people saying, I’ve tried a 252 with DR kit & don’t understand how anyone can say it sounds boring :upside_down_face:

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Really. I have examined the forum with a fine-tooth comb and have a distinct feeling the 252 is questioned compared to for instance the 282. Sure people seem to like it better with DR and I haven’t heard it without so can’t really comment on it. However this thread is to pour our love over the 252. There is always room for yet another thread of positivity, don’t you think😊