252 NOT boring!

With my Spendor D9 it is truly fantastic!

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Second hand aria or Stageline. It would be a minimum with your 252/300. Fono is more for P2/P3 level.

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I have the same Allae’s I started with some 25 years ago with my first NAIM system. My listening room isn’t very big, maybe 12’ wide, and the couch is 12’ from the speakers. Speakers about 6’ apart, and 3 feet from the corners of the wall. My friendly NAIM dealer here in Seattle, whom I’ve bought all my gear from, said I could do better, but to do so, would cost a LOT of money. So I’m sticking with the Allae’s.


Got one coming for audition tomorrow . Boring! will let you know in due course.


Had a 252 for several years firstly with a 250dr then a 300dr. The 252 with a 30dr fed with a ND555 into Titan T606s is defiantly not boring a superb combination.

When I purchased my 252 some seven or eight years ago I mentioned to my dealer the negative comments regarding the 252 he said unless you have heard in an all dr system you have not heard how good it can sound.

I much preferred the 252 over the 282 when I had a dealer demo, good with a 250dr but really shines with a 300dr.


Its a great preamp…just a slightly different presentation…Naim preamps take some beating.

Thumbs up for the 252. Just over a year ago Class A serviced my 555ps and Supercap at the same time. That was a considerable transformation to the sound of my NDS. I have a 300DR. The six boxes are set up on two racks. Last month my dealer had a used Supercap DR so I part ex my Supercap. Another big improvement. Just need to find a dr version of the 555. Previously had a NAC 202 and 282 ,the 252 is far from boring!


I forgot to mention that when I bought the 252 it needed a service about a year later. This was done by Class A. The new bits inside didn’t change its characteristic but made it sound clearer. Well worth doing.

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