272 start up bug

@Woodford Picking your problem up again. Do you know which Virgin Media Superhub you have? Also are you connecting your 272 to your superhub by Ethernet cable or WiFi?

The reason I ask is that the Naim app on your iPad sometimes not seeing your 272 is likely because either your iPad or your 272 is losing sight of the WiFi and the discovery function of the app isn’t working properly consequently.

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Just to not forget that this situation, the disappearing streamer, or server, happens very often to us , for a large part of us with the old platform.
For me, maybe 2 or 3 times per month, sometimes less.
A restart of the router, then a bit later the streamer, solves generally the issue.

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Exactly that.

FR is that only with the first gen streamers you see this, I think you have a NDS?
Out of interest when it does occur have you found just resorting the NDS clears it at all?

For the record I find the NDX2 with the current firmware I find it solid - never an issue - and there is no way I would want to restart the router in my house for various reasons, but I can’t now comment on first gen streamers. However I use an ISP (BT) router with a querier built in which optimises applications and services using multicast such as UPnP SSDP. I use Cisco and Ubiquiti switching and wifi products.

Sometimes I just restart the app, and sometimes the router then Nds.
But also sometimes I just restart the Nds.

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Hi @NeilS What does the following mean? Having problems with my 272 disappearing from the network after installing the new app, is this something I can use?

Reset system automation restores the system
automation settings to default. Clear all presents deletes any stored iRadio stations. Neither is related to network issues.

Okay, good if you want to sell on then. Thanks for reply.

A factory reset won’t at all help your network problem.

What I suggest is that you turn the 272 off and also turn your router off. Then turn the router on again and wait until it has fully restarted. Then turn the 272 on again. I would restart the app at the same time.

What does it mean? Sell on them.

“….sell on then” means “…when I come to sell them to someone else, then.”

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Refers to returning the settings to default - good for when you might wish to sell the item in the future.


So Bjorn post above means : your advice is good for others?

No it means “it will be useful if I want to sell this 272”


I have cleared the cache, restarted the router and restarted the 272 several times. The app shows 272 for a few minutes but then it disappears again.

Just like David and Richard wrote Rooster, it’s good if you want to resell, restores all settings.

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