272 start up bug

I have to say when it works first time it’s superb , but more often than not after a day or so when coming back my iPad cannot find it through Naim app , very hit and miss I must say , I am hardwired btw any ideas

It is almost certainly going to be because your iPad is sometimes on a different sub-network than your 272, but without you describing your network in detail, it’s really not possible to offer much help.

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How it is to be solved when it is not found in the app?
Restart app?
Restart 272?

Tell us about your network. You probably need to change that to make it work reliably.

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Also be interested in what you mean by “start up” bug? e.g. do you mean you have your 272 turned off by default and then you turn in on any time you want to use it? Or do you just mean starting up the app?
In the many years I’ve had my 272, I’ve never had an issue with the app (android) finding the 272 (wired also). Pretty confident it’s a network issue. Mine is simple: router wired to switch,switch wired to 272. App over wifi. As others have said, a description of your network will help with giving advice.

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Again sounds like IGMP snooping … there appears to be a spate of these recently… what network equipment are you using? I wonder if this is all emanating from the same product that might have a fault in. Is there a setting in your network products for IGMP snooping, if so can you enable? Also if there is a setting to enable multicast in wifi… ensure it’s enabled.


Thanks guys , I’m not the best with IT , I can build you a house but can’t update a driver on my pc ,
Anyways it’s a virgin modem and problem solved by turning off /on …
Not sure if that’s enough info

Yeah you see this , you may as well be speaking mandarin :slight_smile:

Restart modem

Oh well, good luck then… do you not what products you are using? Probably a bit much asking for help if you can’t… and it will have options in its configuration screens that will match with what I said or not. You do nt need to understand what it means…. That is how you fix things like this… this is as much IT as using a smartphone so I wouldn’t worry.

Failing that then use BT/EE internet with their SmartHub router if in the UK that works correctly out of the box and is plug and play. The BT SmartHub is a very capable piece of equipment and allows your home network to run at a high standard and your UPnP and Naim products should work without a hiccup.

Which model Virgin modem (by which I assume you mean Superhub)? Virgin Superhubs are actually pretty good and don’t for example show any of the issues of 2.4 GHz and 5GHz WiFi not connecting together properly, which can often be a cause of what you were finding.

You said it’s solved by turning it off and on again. That is something you may have to do occasionally but it should be very rare. Anyway hopefully your issue will be fixed now. If it recurs, come back here and post again. We will try to help!

Reading the web, I see Virgin Superhubs are or have been notoriously poor for multicast support… with users experiencing issues with printer discovery, mDNS, DLNA and Roon amongst other things. I see a popular solution is put SuperHub into modem mode and use another wifi and switch port router that is more capable.
You can get around multicast timeouts by restarting every 24 hours but I suspect that is not a great long term solution.

If you now how to use ping a good check to make sure the multicast group DLNA/UPnP uses is correctly active on your superhub.
And you should see a return of group unicast IP addresses from your Naim streamer, and Naim app host at least… when the app is running correctly.

That’s all very well Simon but I can say from my personal experience of using them myself that there is zero problem using an iPhone or iPad to connect to a 272 (or indeed a Qb, SuperUniti, Nova or UnutiCore) when the Virgin Media Superhub 2ac (which is obsolete but I used for many years until a few months back) or the VM Superhub 5 (which is their latest hub) just out of the box as supplied. No need for modem mode.

Hi David, I guess it doesn’t happen all the time, as they would need to definitely fix… but it does seem unreliable from postings on the web, or it could be an interaction/interoperability with other group addresses on the OP’s network… Yada Yada Yada.
Sure I don’t know particular versions of Superhub that are particularly unreliable where some VM users have needed to force it into modem mode when they are using home audio on their home network. I would have thought their latest products have tightened this up… as multicast is used more and more now. I do know one area that can be or was problematic was broadcast/multicast data management on wifi using certain Android devices. Not sure that is relevant here as the op is using an iPad…

But as I say ping the SSDP group address, if streamer, app etc addresses return, we know the superhub is likely working correctly at that time. When the streamer disappears 24 hours later, do the ping again, what do you see.
The chances are this is nothing to do with Naim, they are reliant on a correctly functioning home networks…

I know BT use multicast for some of their services, so their HomeHub devices are solid with multicast and even contain an inbuilt group Querier function which improves the responsiveness of the Naim app in finding devices… which is rather impressive.

To check it’s not a device network issue, check you can see the addresses on superhub dhcp screen, or use LAN analyzer… I think a free download.

Whatever Simon.

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Whatever what? I think part of your post got chomped, can you elaborate David?
I think you saying if SuperHub 2ac or 5 you should be ok in your experience with iOS ? Yes?

“Whatever” means “I’m not bothering with you any more currently.”

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Ok seems rude and disrespectful …not very helpful is it. I thought you were above that sort of thing?

Unfortunately no internet products are universally perfect. I’ve not had any issues with my hub 3 (I do wish you didn’t have to be on the top packages to get a newer hub). But I do know that a lot of people use other routers and put the hub in modem mode. Ours amusingly sends perfect WiFi all the way out to the road out front but does not reach the back garden :joy:.

As with most things people don’t often post when they have a good experience and nothing is wrong, and are more likely to do so with problems which leads to them seeming way more universal than they are. Network issues and resetting devices is always a good place to start with issues though I still don’t understand why turning it off an on again can fix so many varying issues.

Since I have no problems with my electronics I haven’t had to learn the intricacies of altering my WiFi and will admit that most of Simon’s no doubt great suggestions are incomprehensible to me but if I were having issues I’d happily google to figure it out.

dmu - thanks - yes they might appear incomprehensible until you should need to apply. I don’t post anything particularly technical here, as most are not technical on this forum. I point out certain settings that may be available on the home network device that should be set. I also try and explain basically the justification - so it’s not a poke in the dark - which doesn’t help anyone.

Unfortunately the discovery group IP address used to trip a lot of home router/wifi units in the early days - but things had massively improved over recent years and I though was a thing of the past, but I have noticed a few peeps posting recently with a recurrence of those issues.