282 / power source position on rack

With limited space and only enough shelves for my boxes either the 250 dr,xps dr or supercap dr needs to sit on the next shelf down from the 282.
Out of the 3 which would be the best choice.
Thanks in advance.

It might be worth experimenting, I’d say the SC.

Actually thinking about it perhaps the 250dr.


To be honest, none of the items you’ve suggested is best positioned below the 282. If rack space is an issue then I’d go for the layout that gives you the least compromised cable dressing, particularly for the Burndy from the XPS.


Do you have a streamer or other source on your rack. If so, try putting the 282 on top and the streamer on the next shelf down. That sounded slightly better to me than putting my NDX on top and 282 below.

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Ndx,so I could try your suggestion.

Given that your choice is between two power supplies and a power amp with a power supply in the same box, my inclination would be to start with the 250, assuming that doesn’t cause problems with cable dressing.

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I have more or less the same components.

Mine goes top to bottom


None of the burndies, SNAICs or interconnects touch the floor.


Just bear in mind the 250 is large fluctuating load whereas the other power supplies are very stable loads which, I suppose presents a more constant field. I’ve measure the EM from Naim boxes before but don’t think I’ve ever measured to see if the field from a 250 swings up or down with load. I’ve assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that it does.

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Can we have a bit more detail, boxes, rack, etc.

Plus a picture of existing set up may help.


Diggy Gun
Currently I have
250 dr
Xps dr
Hicap dr
All on fraim lite.
I have just purchased a supercap dr,hence my question.i

Hi Matty

Thanks for the update.

Do you not have the NAPSC for the NAC 282?

General rule is to put the biggest transformer at the bottom.

I can see the XPS DR powering the NDX, but what will the HiCap and SuperCap be powering?


The Supercap will replace the Hicap, powering the 282.

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That’s what I was thinking, but OP states he’s got the HiCap as well so was guessing he was thinking of keeping it, otherwise why include it.

Also, would be an idea to know how many shelves the Fraim Lite has, as he hasn’t included a photo.


I’d just buy an extra shelf. Put the 282 on top, the NDX below, an empty shelf, and then the rest.


That’s what I did when I had separates and separated my single rack into a double rack.

The wood was a good match considering the age difference between the two bottom shelf’s.



hicap dr will be replaced with supercap dr for 282.I have napsc for 282 but it just sits at the back on the floor.
I think I’ll go down the road of an extra shelf.Its probably the best solution as it’s not possible to have 2 racks side by side.
Thanks everyone for the replies.

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