300 series now out with dealers

This interests me too i.e. what has changed which has allowed this new approach, especially with the 350, which looks an absolute steal in relative terms? We all know there is no ‘perfect way’ to build an amplifier, as there are always trade-offs.

I also wonder how much the extra power of the 350 plays, as it’s always far better to have plentiful power on hand to manage 'speakers, even when the ‘speakers’ operating specs may not suggest this is required.

Dogs doodahs my backside, all these photos are fakes, there is no such thing as a 300 series :grinning:

My interest is hopefully the new 250 but 350s May figure. I take your point about a well designed powerful amp should work great at low volume as well.

I will be interested to see/hear which is best at very low level listening - each should have plenty in reserve to handle instantaneous peaks at very low level.

I am sure the 300 series will be sensational, the inky silence has to be good thing - my 552/500 is not the quietest. The 300 series volume control in the pre and the dual mono power amp design are really mouth watering…prospects. So for sure it will sound quite different to the classic series in a good way. However, the remote transformer arrangement of the 500 has its adavantages too…so comparisons will be interesting, as I know the 500dr was not disgraced by the statement power amps. Lets hope plenty reviews of the sound quality keep rolling in…interesting times!
Is the NSC332 - volume control buffered with some sort of line stage - that gives amplifier matching??? would it work well with classic amps?


Interesting point about not being disgraced by Statement amps. Many have just gone with the S1 preamp for that very reason. But even as a whole i like the Statement amps and never felt i was losing anything……just gaining the extra clarity etc.

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I have to say the S1 would be my next move if I had the cash … sorry to say its car next…the 552 is a great preamp a classic in the true sense of the word…but its from another possibly a more romantic slightly analogue biased era… I have yet to listen to the new series but it would not surprise me it there was a slightly more sterile clarity about the presentation…I am excited to find out…


Yes, there is a buffer and all new classic products are designed to work with classic products too. Some legacy leads maybe needed.

Signal flow:

  • Input selection reed relays
  • Input buffer (also converts balanced to single-ended)
  • Input filter, followed by a single-ended class-A buffer
  • Volume stage 1, fine step (1dB)
  • Single-ended class-A buffer
  • Volume stage 2, 8dB steps
  • Output stage with 16dB gain (doubles as headphone amplifier)

Seems to be a flood of 500 kit suddenly appear on a well known auction site. Completely unrelated I imagine. :grinning:


I’m watching the 552 auction. Just for academic reasons of course. :innocent: It will be a long long time before the used 500 series prices drop to anything close to what I’d be willing to pay. But I’m sure there will be some bargains for some. :grinning:

Wow quite through approach - this should nicely get around issues resulting when you slap a passive pot between a source and a Naim amp… thanks for clearing this up.

Does three constitute a flood?

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Also new is the NAC332 has a ground switch.

in 500 terms, yes, having watched and waited for some while. 12 x 500 ( or 6 sets) individual items currently on the 'bay.

I see five NAC552s and three NAP500s. That’s definitely more than usual. I know, I have a look every morning. :nerd_face:

Have you tried the 350’s in an Atom HE? It’ll certainly upset some people :slight_smile: but I bet it will sound great!

I ran my NAP 300 of an Atom for a while. Sounded great :slightly_smiling_face:

I really hope not!


I hope not …maybe Steve has managed to savour up some magic…but for sure it will be very very resolving with an inky background…

Sure thing :+1: