300 series vs 500 OC , listening and drifting

Robert Koda k 15 volume pot. Impressive, not ? ( 45 k preamp)


I bet it would, if you had it in your house.

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That was well explained :slight_smile:

In the wish for just one fraim tier ( because of a moving situation to a new flat), i packed down my 500Dr and aquired a 2nd hand 200Dr. I also connected the superline directly to the 552Dr for now and packed down the supercap DR.

I had a Sl2 before but changed to a Boenicke W11se this year. Not so sure if i really miss something here. It is so enjoyable to listen to that combo.

Can you explain what you mean by these last 2 sentences please?

Are you saying that changing your speakers and power amp sounds as good to you as it did before?

And does the last sentence say that it is so enjoyable to listen to your new set up (with NAP 200 and Beonickes)?

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Dunc Iā€™ve just waded through this thread and I have to say that Iā€™m finding your position very hard to fathom. For me it is abundantly clear at the time of the development of the 552/500 Naim were no doubt pushing at the very limits of amplifier design and at that point we all know that diminishing returns set in although of course one persons marginal improvement is anotherā€™s paradigm shift, and from my point of view having heard a 552 in a variety of configurations through 552/150 (honestly and it was very good!), 552/300 and of course 552/500 and on every occasion bar two (Iā€™ll come to this in a minute) the music was breathtaking. This says to me that far from being a weak link itā€™s the key component in the chain. So to me given diminishing returns in effect what Naim are saying is, at this stage, you really need a S1 to get better.

Dare I say, and I do say this with some trepidation, that as I understand you have moved on you are seeking to justify your own decision? Or put it this way Iā€™m on record as saying that the best digital sources Iā€™ve ever heard were the CDS3 and CD555, indeed one forum members system which has the latter with 552/500 and Titan 808s is arguably the best Iā€™ve ever heard, and equally after several listens Iā€™ve never been wholly convinced about the virtues of the ND555, however on most occasions itā€™s been with Focal speakers and Statement under show conditions, but even with Dynas (which typically I love), and Titans (active) when it was with a 552/500 in active it left me cold. But every time there is a thread on the ND555 vs whatever I donā€™t lead a one man crusade.

For me as someone who has just upgraded to 252/300 the 552 with 250/300/500 is a stunningly capable amplifier.




Hey Jim, sorry for not writting clear enough.

I aquired the Boenicke in February. It was a 2nd hand buy. At this time I still had the 500 Dr with 2 Fraim stucks and the superline attached to the supercap DR.

In the wish to reduce the whole set to a simple tower, I bought a 2nd hand 200Dr and attached the superline directly to the 552Dr. Now it is a simple 4 box system. First it was just an idea until we find a new flat and move, but now I am not so sure anymore. This system sounds astonishing good.

I mainly listen to classical, jazz and electronic music.


I am not trying to justify anything really just stating the facts.
I am over the moon with how my system sounds, plus otherā€™s have heard it and agree. So no need for me to justify what i have, and it hasnā€™t really got anything to do with what i have now.
I just tell it as i see it, others agree and others donā€™t, thatā€™s fine.
What i do find slightly annoying is people that claim this and that, and have not even tried it but still think they know it all.
To me itā€™s been obvious and i can see big gains to be had once they update the 552, plus it looks an easy upgrade as itā€™s already done.
As said probably going to be o so close to the S1 for comfort.
I am sure once itā€™s out everyone will agree with me that buys one and uses it with a 500dr and nd555.
Until then ???


No doubt - down the path they followed. There are of course other paths, which others have followed, and perhaps now Naim may have started following another, of a fork ā€¦

Iā€™ve been on the Naim forum since 2001 and I posit justifying purchase decisions makes up a significant share of the content on this forum and much of that arguing about subjective observations. Iā€™ve read Duncans posts about his system for what seems like years, heā€™s arrived at his view point through a lot of trial and error, like many of us. Itā€™s no surprise to me that some donā€™t get on with a particular component no matter how much itā€™s revered.


Thatā€™s undoubtedly right but in this case, it just seems more than that, almost a crusade?


It likely seems that way b/c itā€™s an unpopular opinion and heā€™s responding to numerous critiques. I have an unpopular opinion about the 252/SC so I can relate. :smiley:


ā€¦and, from personal experience, I can attest itā€™s sometimes how it is set-up and whether oneā€™s listening space ā€˜acceptsā€™ what the kit can do.

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I have said it enough times i guess lol. But only really responding to being questioned.
But as said i have no reason.
It has nothing to do with my system.
It has nothing to do with a room, set up or anything like that.
It is just a point in saying and one that many others have said, even naim themselves do it.
But people can carry on believing what they like as we are all allowed an option, and if you want to not look at all the facts then thatā€™s fine.

Life goes on as they say, plus itā€™s only music.


I always enjoy reading about @Dunc journey and opinions. He has clearly put a huge amount of time, effort and money into reaching his own personal sonic nirvana, and I admire that.

My own efforts pale by comparison.

Does it bug me when he dismisses the 500 series as a relative relic from a bygone era? For sure.

Does it get my back up when he states the 552 is a weak link? Oh yes!

Would the forum be poorer without his controversial and, at times, mischievous (imo) postings? Absolutely!!!

I bet he has a great sounding system though :sunglasses:


I blame my dad for how i am lol.


No criticism intended :slightly_smiling_face:

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Weak point: everything has one. It doesnā€™t make it poor. itā€™s what it is the weak point of something.
When i had my 500 plus escort cosworth, its weak point was the gear box, i got a motorsport one to try and solve it and just moved the weak point to the diffs.
In my system the weak point is probably me or should i say my hearing.


[quote="ElMarko, post:196, topic:31513"I have an unpopular opinion about the 252/SC so I can relate. :smiley:

Careful nowšŸ˜‰

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Your fine stu, dont worry

One way or another I think we all trying to justify our own systems. I still appreciate how good my old 72, 135ā€™s and Isobariks sound but Iā€™m often reminded that we all live on a bit of a knife-edge with these very high level systems.

They, to me, are a lot like formula one cars and can be very highly strung, often requiring constant tweaking and tuning to maintain peak performance. One day they sound great the next day they can sound pretty average. The performance percentage change can be drastic. A minor change here (and there) can make a really big difference. What I mean by this is that I might score my old Olive system at 90% for enjoyment and musical performance but when my 500 system is really performing well this may well exceed 98%. Iā€™ve avoided 100% as I still think the system has more to give but Iā€™m finding it hard to unlock.

As good as that gap is itā€™s not much of a difference in relative terms and a well set-up ā€˜lesserā€™ systems can often outperform a mediocre ā€˜best in classā€™ system. Again, I take the F1 analogy that the best performing car can be separated from the worst performing car by just tenths of a second! A simple change here and there can make all the difference as Aston Martin and McLaren have recently demonstrated.

As polarised as these arguments can get itā€™s worth remembering that we are all playing with toys at the top level of performance and if they give you that special buzz itā€™s not worth the energy arguing which one is better. They are all capable of sounding really good!