300 series vs 500 OC , listening and drifting

The 272 pot feel was/is great. Is it the same feel on the NC?

Anything you want to say with that comment or was it just a general reflection Jim? (Just curious)

There is nothing wrong with me stating an impression I have gained, which is what I did, clearly stating it to be an impression. I have not stated that it applies to all.


I agree the potā€¦is a weak linkā€¦but they are very very goodā€¦ I suspect if anything the re-routing of the signal cable in amoungst the power cableā€¦is not good and worse.

You didnā€™t use the words a few, some or anything else other than the word majority - how can you know this? You are implying it as a fact.


One point is that most people on this forum will have spent weeks, months or years tuning their system to their room, their ears and their musical preferences.

Dealers do not have the luxury of doing that in their listening rooms, as they are constantly moving gear in and out for listening sessions.

Making a comparison of sound quality between a system heard at a dealerā€™s listening room and oneā€™s own system at home is therefore inherently difficult, over and above the normal constraints of having a time delay between the two listening occasions, and these taking place in different rooms with different equipment and a different electrical environment.

Plus of course, there are the normal issues of expectations and other factors, such as cognitive dissonance related to owning one system but not owning the other one, et cetera.


How does anyone manage to isolate in a listening session what a change to a volume control does to SQā€¦ā€¦and across totally new Naim platforms?


The NC332 doesnā€™t seem to offer the facility to adjust left/right channel balance.

The app provides this, IIUC!

And the remote

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I donā€™t know how they compare from a specs standpoint but I love the volume control on the NSC222 as well.

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I wrote very clearly in the English language "I am under the impression from this forum that the majority find xxx. I did NOT state as a fact that the majority find xxx, but I stated as fact that my impression is that. Please do not assign different meanings to my words.

If your true impression is that the majority do not find that NAC volume controls lose channel balance at the bottom of its rotational range you are free to state that. Of course a poll could be conducted to find the peopleā€™s experience, though perhaps even if that was done and the majority response was that there is imbalance you would challenge it saying that of course that only applies to the people who responded.


I agree but itā€™s an odd thing in mind. My dealerā€™s listening rooms are designed specifically for optimal SQ, dimensions, room treatments, mains, network, etc etc. I spent hours demoing kit in these rooms with my reference tracks. Whereas my home listening room is less than ideal. No dedicated mains (though isolated and with hifi power strips), optimized network though shared with TV, mac, ipad, iphone, some room treatments, probably not ideal dimensions but not bad either, etc. And I know the kit I demoed at the dealer is technically better than the kit I had at home. Yet, often, not always, when I return home the difference in SQ is mostly negligible, hardly noticeable.

Iā€™m under the impression that you mean the opposite of what you say ā€¦ donā€™t know why really, but itā€™s my impression, so itā€™s valid, right? (Of course not, thatā€™s just stirring ā€¦ but in fairness I donā€™t think you can speak for a majority without a robust polling operation).

Iā€™ve read lots of comments about this over the years. Not sure why some are acting like this is a problem that doesnā€™t exist. I donā€™t know if the comments are statistically relevant, I doubt many on this forum are, but it doesnā€™t mean there isnā€™t a problem. And Iā€™ve noticed the problem on my older NACs as well.


The Unitis and streaming preamps didnā€™t use Alps pots like the separate preamps and Naits, so they were all much easier to use, with a wider useable range and no channel imbalance.


O my.
Obviously the 500 is the best it can ever get for some and the new 500 wonā€™t be better just different.
If the pot design is so good why doesnā€™t the S1 use it??? That will be because its a week point and one where big sonic gains can be had.
The problem naim is probably going to have next is the new 500 pre amp with the new volume control is probably going to very close to the S1.


Yes, balance adjustment is possible with the remote.

I am not aware of being able to adjust balance on the app. The remote, yes certainly.

However, there is no channel imbalance at low levels on the 332 so I no longer need balance adjustment.

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The 332 volume control also feels great and channels are balanced at all levels.

But as I said, and if you read my original words carefull youā€™ll see it is what I originally did say, is that *my impression was that a majority found the imbalanceā€¦ I am not suggesting that I am speaking for the majority. The words my impression mean simply that. To put it a different way, I could have from reading many comments on this forum over the past decade my recollection is that Iā€™ve read far more saying there is an issue with balance than otherwise - ā€œmy impressionā€ is much more succinct.