300 series vs 500 OC , listening and drifting

Yes @Innocent_Bystander , that would be my impression as well. From a personal point of view, my SN3 required balance adjustment away from centre at all levels - very low volume was worse.


Volume imbalance was quite noticeable on my 252 at very low levels.

Havenā€™t noticed it all on my 552.

I thinks itā€™s a little bit ā€˜potā€™ luck

Excuse the pun :man_facepalming:


If you see 110dbā€™s post on the topic that I linked to, the app method relies upon ZigBee and a connected NSS333, so if either or both donā€™t apply then balance is only adjustable via the remote.

Caveated by the fact I donā€™t own any of this kit, just quoting Naim staff!!

Thanks @gthack . Yes indeed mine is connected to the 333 remotely but I havenā€™t found anywhere on the app to do the balance adjustment. It would be great to find out where on the app the adjustment is, even though I may never use it.

Actually whilst I think the 332 sounds fantastic, the actual feel of the volume control is disappointing - doesnā€™t have a nice weighty feel of a Classic pre amp.

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No problem. I wish I had the kit to take a look myself :slight_smile: Hopefully some kind soul can assist

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While I use the remote more I do really like the feel of the 332 volume control a lot more than my old SN3.

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I donā€™t use the actual knob much myself and my only complaint with the 222 is itā€™s not as thick as the 272 knob. But it functions as good if not better so itā€™s a pretty minor complaint.

Hence the reason many are sceptical a new 500 series will ever see light of day

I always thought it looks light and seems like it feels like it looks then :woozy_face:

An experienced listener can probably make that assessment despite some differences, donā€™t you think?:thinking:

Our 252 is unbalanced but only at the level audio first appears from speakers. The left channel provides audio one remote click before the right (via NDX2 so one fine adjustment). The volume level would be described as barely audible, and itā€™s never a problem as a few more clicks are required to have a usable audio volume (even whisper quiet for 4AM TV watching).

Above this first step, and at any ā€œnormalā€ listening level, there is no imbalance noticeable.

I did the same. How long have you had yours? Mine is 5 weeks in and still improving

Wow, still improving after 5 weeks! Mine is just over a week old and already sounding great. Looking forward to the next few weeks.

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Itā€™s getting more effortless and more coherent if that makes sense. It also is more dynamic at lower volumes.

My guess is itā€™s the NPX300 running in.

Iā€™m half way through week 4 and thereā€™s been a noticeable improvement over the weekend. Weirdly enough, Iā€™d written down effortless and more coherent too, before I saw your post!

My 300 was running from day 1 though.

I am also hearing similar but mine is all new - 333, 332/300,350. I have just added the 300 to the 332 2 days ago so mine is certainly just starting its journey.

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I had the 300 from the start as well and it really kicked in around 4 weeks as wellšŸ¤·

The NPX manual says it can improve over a month or longer

You RTFM? Iā€™m impressed!

I canā€™t keep up with who has what, Iā€™m afraid. Too many people and too many combinations.

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Yes they can.

But the acid test is when the new system is in your room.