300 series vs 500 OC , listening and drifting

I’ve just come back from my dealers after spending a nice afternoon listening the their full 300 system. I’ve been mulling over how best to describe it but I’m playing safe a saying that it’s quite different from OC.

My personal opinion (I’m sure others will disagree!) is that it’s not a replacement for a 500 system. For me it lacks the finesse, ultimate extension, weight and speed of a 500 system. I know the shops demo 500 system well, plus I came home and put tracks on that we were listening to in the shop. In every case my 500 system sounded better, and yes, I know it’s not fair comparing shop and home systems but I’ve done this enough to know what fundamentals to look for.

However, if I was going out today to buy a top of the range system I do think it could be a coin toss of going with a nice new shinny 300 or used 500 system. Your call!


That was cheap Rooster you would have bought more and made a fortune! :rofl::wink:

All i am going to say is try the new 300 series amp and pre amp with a better streamer/dac.
I think a lot off views may change.

The thought had crossed my mind, especially since I don’t seem to be singing the praises of the 333 when combined with the 300 as others are doing. I need to replace my NAS, which is old, beginning to creak and no longer supported. Say I go for an Innuos or Melco and combine it with a nice DAC the 333 becomes surplus to requirements. What DACs should I be thinking about?

Another negative against the is 333 is that I’m pretty sure my preferred 5 box setup is going to be putting the 300 with the 332. Although I am going to borrow a second 300 to demo the full setup, if (a big if) I am going to spend more money on this I may see more benefit going for, say, a PhoenixNet and PowerHAUS M6.


It was the price for the demo in my house. And no possibility to borrow it.

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Thanks Nigel, I stay confident. And even If it doesn’t work, I will be able to sell it at the same price, as I had 20% discount.
The full series i just listened to was not a whaouh moment, specially knowing what a 500 series can do. But the 250 alone, with my existing boxes, should give a different presentation.


Thought you mistyped the price you had to pay for your new Nap250, hence the joke, sorry :wink: €600 for a home demo is undeniably a bit much :+1:


And between 300/500 euros more if I want the dealer to install my NC 250. We are indeed not in UK :grin:
However can’t complain, 20% discount on new is very very good deal :+1:


The top of the line Alps pot is NOT in the 552 …it would put thousands on the cost of the 552 if it was incorporated.

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In that equation I would have chosen a used shiny 500 system :innocent::wink:

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I have the “mythical” T2 Stax electrostatic headphone amp (Kevin Gilmore design) which has the totl ALPS RK50 pot inside. This pot is hard to source and is approximately $1000.

The 552 has an Alps baby blue pot. While Naim have maintained their testing found this pot to be the best for the job let’s not lose sight it is an approximately $30 pot.

Quite a price difference from the totl Alps.


Interestingly, the Alps web site only seems to list the RK50 for “audio”.

Everything is built to a price.
The alps baby blue pot is probably the best one at the 30$ price range naim wanted to spend on this part ? Also you have got to remember that the 552 is a very old design and things have certainly moved on hugely in that time.

But i will stand by my view that 552 is certainly holding back every 500 system it’s in.

Not saying it’s a bad pre amp but it’s certainly the week point.

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I couldn’t disagree more with your comment on the NAC 552 !


Perhaps another thread on DCS vs 552 to open :joy:

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Well perhaps all the S1 guy’s when they step up to the S1 from the 552dr are just making things up then ?
They all report a nice upgrade in sound quality from it, and most are using the ND555 and 500dr.
It’s very obvious once you hear it, sorry but it’s true.

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It doesn’t need that just use naim gear to highlight it as S1 owners have all found.

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I see you own a 552dr so i can see why you might think that just as i did when i had mine.

Every system has a week point, in the ND555, 500dr and 552dr, it’s the 552dr. It’s obvious to see or should i say hear once you try it. Many naim owners wouldn’t buy the S1 if not and hear inpovements. That’s why i also feel the new 300 series pre amp and power supply could well bring a nice upgrade with it’s much better volume control when used with the 500dr and ND555 ? It could well be worth someone trying it.

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Of course it does at £75k……you have your 552 opinion……so do i……its wonderful. Yet to hear anything better at its full price.


It may well be £75k now but it wasn’t anything like that when i was looking, if i remember right it was my 552dr, 2 x full fat fraim, and £15k to change to a new S1.
Anyway S1 technology is now filtering down into the pre amps and that’s great news.
I guess that ones saying different have never tried it as normal, if you get the chance try it, everyone that i know that has, has agreed with what i found.

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