300 series vs 500 OC , listening and drifting


I understand where you are comming from ā€¦ I have experience with passive controllers building a passion unit ā€¦ages ago. I found it almost impossible volume wise to compareā€¦all I can tell you is ā€¦ everything was better it was immediately apprantā€¦irresprective of volume. But in fairness I was not comparing it with a top of the line alps potā€¦there has to be quality gains with the ladder approach - as long as it is implmented with care as usual the devil is in the detail.


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Steady on! It goes with my Passion Waggonā€¦


Just out of curiosityā€¦ Those of you who previously had a 555PS connected to the ND555 and then switched to using two, what would you say is the difference in the sound?

Timing is much improved with two. One sounds impressive but never got my foot tapping. Two turns sounds into music and gets the foot going.


Funnily enough Iā€™ve just moved one of my power supplies to a slightly better position on my Fraim, which meant using one supply for a few days. Yesterday, I finally got round to reconnecting the second supply, so these are my fresh impression of what it doesā€¦

Firstly, itā€™s not subtle as you start to hear more of the recording venue acoustics. This adds another level of realism to the music as it helps you to place instruments very accurately in their relative space. Vocals really seem to benefit from this for some reason. As mentioned timing is improved but the second supply also seems to add a level of ā€˜tensionā€™ to music. Itā€™s like everything has more ā€˜spaceā€™ between notes and between instruments making it really easy to predict the next beat. Iā€™ve noticed that the music takes on a slower but much more enjoyable sound or pace - if that makes any sense? Then thereā€™s the extra ā€˜attackā€™ everything has. Drums and guitar strings are just taken to the next level with more edge, more body and more weight but are somehow quieter and easier to listen to at louder levels.

Iā€™ve been fortunate enough to hear a full Statement system in a domestic setting and this is exactly the same direction the Statement seems to takes things but to the power of ten.

If you can afford to purchase a second 555DR power supply and have the system capable of exploiting it then I wouldnā€™t hesitate!


Prices on P/L 555DR are becoming, very tempting

I could just about fit another one, but it would be stacked directly on top of another power supply bottom right in my stack.


A new or bigger stack is not an option. Sorry guys!

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Are you able to get all cables off the floor with that setup? I have had plans rebuilding my system and move my 500 down but in doing so I believe cables will be on the floor. Today all are airborne.

Not a chance in hell :rofl:


Not sure why I thought you just found a way to bend the law of physics :grin:

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I like a lower unit so use the ā€˜kitchen spongeā€™ trick to sort cables off the floor.


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My system is also very close to the wall so itā€™s a lost cause for me Iā€™m afraid. I try not to think about it!

Had a listen this afternoon of the full 300 series, 332, 333, 2X 300 ps, 350 , at my dealer place.
I heard at the same place, same speakers, the full 500 series around 1 year ago. So difficult to compare both, only from memory.
However I heard twice the 500 series at the same place, at different moments, with the same speakers.
I would say that the 500 series have easily the edge, at least for my taste.
The 300 series are a bit cleaner, more detailed, a bit faster and resolved specially on percussions and drums.
But the 500 series is still on another level, with more authority, whole propulsive sound, and more organic and textured. I was more involved with the 500 series.
I ordered recently the NC 250 . I hope it wonā€™t disappoint me, with a leaner and less organic sound. However my pre gives a very rich and full sound. And is balanced. Finger crossed.


Hope it works out FRā€¦ā€¦my hunch is the pre gives more of the old soundā€¦ā€¦but i could be wrongšŸ‘


I hope this goes well for you sweetie. I know you didnā€™t like the NAP300 DR in your room, and some say the NC250 is at that level. Do you have a home demo?


No demo, because it costs around 600 euros. I had a very good deal on it, 20% discount. The offer is ending tomorrow, because itā€™s during the week Naim days at my dealer place.
I feel it will work, because the connection is balanced to balanced. And as the 250 NC is crisper and leaner vs the 300 dr, the bass will be normally not overheating in my room.
But yes, I took a risk.


You are probably right. My pre gives an organic sound, as the Nds/555dr/PhoenixNet. So the balance should be fine. I should have a clearer sound, crisper bass, with better details. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Reassuring to hear :+1:

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FR, from my direct experience, this is exactly what you should get, and more, when swapping the 250DR for the NC250.

Having owned the 250DR with 282, 252 and 552, and now owning the NC250 with NC222/NC300, I am pretty sure you wonā€™t be disappointed. It is of course difficult to disentangle what each box is contributing when going through a complete system change. However, as I have owned the 250DR for many years in different Nam OC systems, I am reasonably confident of the NC250ā€™s superiority.