300 Series

You mean Slovakia


Itā€™s Slovakia.

Slovenia is south of Austria. East of Italy, has a short section of coast just by Trieste.

Slovakia borders Ukraine, Hungary, Czechia, Austria and Poland.

and that is?:thinking:

Not when I last went there

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Heritage is as important to some of us in certain elements of high-end manufacturing as it is to others in the production of fine wines, cheeses, etc

Itā€™s just my opinion and I entirely respect that others see things differently, Iā€™m simply expressing my opinion


Yes, of course. Geography isnā€™t my strong point. I guess that much is evident :smiley:


Sorry for the post.

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Anyone managed to hear them yet? Obviously only first impressions as none of the dealers have had time to run them in properly.

I like my cars German, my wine French, my food Italian, and my Hi-Fi British.

Not sure how much longer thatā€™s going to be affordable tho :joy:

And back on track Iā€™m very tempted to home demo some 350ā€™s versus my 500ā€¦

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And German cars are full of non-German manufactured parts and labor and thereā€™s more French wine and Italian food produced outside of those countries than inside. So your Hi-Fi is just now catching up to those trends. :smiley:

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Premium German cars such as Porsche, and especially their marquee models such as 911 and the electric Taycan are all made in Germany.

Unless of course we donā€™t think Naim is a premium UK brandā€¦

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I doubt there are many cars made today in Germany that are completely made in Germany. Those cars contain parts and tech from multiple countries. Even if you can point to one example thatā€™s not the point. The point is most, near all are not 100% made and manufactured in Germany.

Stu, you know what you need. A 500DR or a 552 non DR

Porsche has RD, core components manufacturing and final assembly for all of its premium models all done in Germany.

Lamborghini manufacturers all premium models in Italy as well. Urus (the example quoted by Naim) is made in Slovakia because it is based on VWā€™s MLB platform, which is done for cost considerations.

Donā€™t think anyone is saying Naim should do everything in-house. Just that the final steps of manufacturing and assembly (which has been the case historically) is done in UK for reasons many have have outlined above.

Like I said, nothing youā€™re saying here is relevant to the discussion. Naim isnā€™t the first premium goods manufacturer to have operations outside of their home country. Including the companies you cite.

Naim already makes its lifestyle muso products in China, not many people have issues with that.

Itā€™s now the higher end stuff is being outsourced that is having people questioning Naimā€™s commercial logic.

As I said in my prior posts, high end auto manufacturers donā€™t outsource their premium products to be manufactured in other counties.

Surely you can see the difference?

Designed and manufactured in Slovakia. It could fly during 35 mn in 2021.


The question I have is ā€¦ā€¦why is the facility in Salisbury, which has seemingly had no issues manufacturing products and keeping up with production for decades, somehow now over capacity? Naim is streamlining and making a few less products. Products are being discontinued as new ones are released. It doesnā€™t seem plausible that there has been some major increase in sales for products that havenā€™t even hit the market yet. An initial bump in sales I can see.

I tried but all it would play was Slovakian folk musicšŸ¤£