300DR to 500DR - any regrets?

I will say every single Naim box benefits from the glass isolation done as it is on the Naim Fraim. I haven’t tested individual naim boxes but rather i installed the glass support on all of them at the same time. Sound improvements are a leading edge resolution that is a little vague without the glass. The sound is more lively and rhythmic. Even with my tube gear I have noticed similar improvement.

Naim Cup & ball sound far better than alternatives I’ve tried including silicone nitride, carbon fibre and ceramic.


My favorite Naim product was the CDS2, and 555PS upgrade, followed closely by the NAP 300. I still remember the sweet low level detail, and the tube like sound. I used the NAC552 which I have since upgraded to DR. If I could turn back time to the NAC552-NAP300 days, I could be very happy.


Even the power boxes? I only have it on my left brains stack right now. From an electronic perspective I would guess the brains benefit from it the most since that’s also where naim spent most time on removing microphonics etc.


A dealer recently suggested to me that full Fraim gave the most benefit to those items with the brass sub- chassis e.g. 552 and ND555 head units. He suggested Fraim lite was more than adequate for the rest (which backs up what you say @Blackbird).


Consider the transformers needing a rigid surface to sit on rather than a slightly less rigid one. The rubber feet and casing also contributes to isolation.

I’m torn about my favourite Naim component I’ve owned so far. 52 would be right up there because of its value but really it’s between 552Dr and 500DR. I love both for what they did in my system. I don’t think I would enjoy the 500 as much without the 552. Contrary to some users suggesting the 552 is a “bottleneck” I have compared it to other preamps, even at home and the 552DR is so much more engaging than anything else I’ve heard.


They all benefit from having Fraim glass and Fraim ball bearings.

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I love my 500DR, but I have to say that if I were in your position I’d be curious to try a pair of the new 350’s at home vs a 500. I’d guess that the 500 should still be King, but personally I’d be keen to make sure.

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I have the 282/250DR combo. How would replacing the 282 for a 552 and keeping the 250DR sound? Or would it throw things out of balance?

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@HiFiman is your friend on this topic :+1:

Having owned a 282, 252DR and now a 552DR absolutely no issues using a 552DR with a 250DR but unfortunately your sources are not good enough.

In fact I would look at the sources first as you are probably not hearing the 282 at its best.

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In my opinion the 282 is balance wise similar to the 552. The 282 is a little upfront pacy and fast sounding…the 552 is similar in balance … but is more articulate detailed and even faster. I think potentially it may be pretty good for you. It depends what speakers you are using with the 250…getting the synergy with the speakers is so important. If its correct now…you should get more of everything. The advantage for going for the 552 is that it will put you in a good pisition upgrading to say a Nap300 in the future…

It will certainly not upset the balance. Everything you love will be bettered by the 552 and then there will be things you didn’t even know were missing. It’s an amazing bit of kit. 552 is what really made me LOVE my system. I’m on my second one as I stupidly sold the first for financial reasons. I thought I could live without it…evidently not


I am no electrical/mechanical engineer but unless somebody has a really difficult speaker load, I don’t think the new 300 series can match the 500 series. Bridged design, isolation, separate PSU and so on. I’ll just post a couple of photos of the 350 vs the 500 internals I’m sure the photos will do justice.

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I am in the process of changing my TT to a Rega NAIA or a Vertere MG I have them both on home demo. Next on the list is the CD player. Thank you for being so helpful.

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My speakers are Vimberg Amea, and they sound great. When/if I end up with a full 500 system, I must step up to the Vimberg NIMOs. I often see a 552 on offer. It would be an easier way to ease myself in. The 500 series will be a massive uplift. Would you agree?


I simply love the cable routing in the OC pieces. In the 350 it looks like any old amp. Inte 500 it’s amazing. Don’t know why I like it so much🤔

Those are prototype pictures of the 350. I’m sure the mass produced units look similar to how they have always looked like in terms of cable routing :slight_smile:


thanks for that feedback, I also use Dave and Mscaler with my 282/HCDR. Sometimes I think my source is maxed out so I should get a 552DR, but then the cost, and the hassle of everything that needs to go with it, there will be soon an even better Chord Mscaler, so now I am thinking, get a used 552 or the soon to be release Mscaler?

Turning the Mscaler on and off is a revelation being able to test it so transparently, and I think well, yes the 552 is much better than the 282, but that Mscaler is really something, and the new one will be even better…

yes it is, but with such hi-end speakers and a 500 series Naim , you do need much better digital sources… unless you play vinyl only…?

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