300DR to 500DR - any regrets?

I think the NAP500 is approx. £1800 not sure what the 552 comes in at, £500?

So might be around 900£ per box then. I have many years left on mine but it will get expensive later on…

When I first heard Dave it was with a NAC 172/250.2 and the 172 was transparent enough to show how much better Dave was compared to a Hugo 1…

So I bought a Dave instead of 552… years later, I can live without a 552, but not without the Dave…?


this is going to annoy some people, so apologies in advance, but I can’t live without my SuperLumnina (and Vertere) cables either.

I use an Audioquest dragonfly red DAC in my car for Long communities and the vertere interconnect really brings out the best in that source in terms of speed, musicality, PRAT, soundstage, etc…

Is there something wrong with SL?

It’s not just Naim that isn’t selling for what it should. It’s all hifi in general. Yes Naim being the prestigious brand that it is should be valued higher on the used market but I guess people are not willing to spend money on luxury items anymore. It’s one of the reasons I’ve decided to stop selling my gear now. I’ve taken silly losses in the past. I’d rather hold onto the gear now as it holds more value to me in my possession as I can find a use for it rather than selling it for not much money which will be of little use to me.


no - but the Chord cable Fans might soon come along and say Chord Cables are a lot better…


How are you getting on with the NAIA. Heard one at my dealers and was very very impressed. Possibly the best vinyl reproduction I’ve ever heard.

I’m completly blown away with it, to be honest. I’m listening to it this second with a big smile on my face. I have been playing the Project Experience 2, and it wasn’t doing justice to my Naim set up. The uplift now is breathtaking. I now need to find a CD player which maches it in SQ, if that’s possible.

Are your sources competing with each other? :wink:

I have never been thrilled with my Cd5si. Now that Naim has stopped producing them, I must choose a different brand. Maybe a Rega Saturn.

As far as I’m aware the CD5Si is still in production. Naim are not always very clear about exactly when products become discontinued so perhaps you know something I don’t, but I haven’t seen any announcement from Naim.

They still make the CD5si, which I own but am not keen on; I’ll have to buy another brand.

Did the same upgrade path and couldn’t agree more

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That might be difficult. I bet there’s not that many CD players that can compete with NAIA. Maybe a CDP555 with two power supplies would get you close? I’ve had one but moved to streaming with the ND555. I still reckon the NAIA sounds more like master tapes than vinyl or digital.

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I can’t believe how good the NAIA sounds. It’s like having my own personal band in the room. The downside is my CD player now sounds like c**p.


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