Should a 333 be placed above or under a 332 in a rack for best SQ?
I cannot comment on the NC units, but for ‘OC’ the perceived wisdom seems to be Preamp at the top.
I ignore this… and have my CDX2 above my 82…
Given they both have large power supplies it probably doesn’t matter as much as it used to?
333 on top for me but that is for convenience rather than any SQ consideration. As Sinewave points out, they both have large transformers. I have mine driven by NPX300s so the internal transformers are not an issue.
I did not experiment with placement but then I draw the line at common sense and life is too short to keep swapping and waiting a week or so between swaps.
333 above 332 here too … just easier to see the screen, but now I don’t use that so …
I have 333 above 332. FWIW this is the stacking order shown in the user guides.
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