4.7 update, worth it to do for nds, ndx?

…on Unitilite. Will duck 4.7.

You need to look at the release notes to see what 4.7 did. I remember it solved problems with the BBC WS on iradio and also sorted out streaming of some Tidal flies. If you don’t use iradio or Tidal then not bothering with the update is an option of course.


4.7 only released last month!
Indeed I don’t use Tidal and haven’t noticed problems with internet radio so why risk it?
Now if it included support for Airplay 2 like Musos I wouldn’t hesitate. At time of writing however even Atom doesn’t support AP2, as promised; so have 2 old Airport Expresses feeding digital input. Bit clunky but let’s me Multiroom with other AP2 compatible speakers like HomePod in garden! Would be nice to see an update that enabled true AP2 compatibility plus automatic updates for Unitilite.
And while I’m on the subject of updates, what about the Apps? Really should only be one that can truly managed a Unitiserve and is accessible from a locked screen… like iTunes, Amazon etc.

I’m afraid that you won’t ever see an update that enables Airplay 2 or automatic updates for Unitilite because the hardware couldn’t support it.

Also Naim won’t ever merge Unitiserve control into the main Naim app because N-serve works fine for Unitiserve and it would involve a lot of software development for almost no gain to build it into the Naim app and for a legacy server with a decreasing proportion of users.

Locked screen functionality could be another matter though…


“Wrong” is perhaps the wrong(!) word.
It simply didn’t work in MY active system. (Interestingly, it also didn’t work for a friend’s active system)
NDS 4.4 continues to work beautifully for me. I’m not interested in ‘multirooms’.


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After extensive testing of 4.4 ,4.6 and 4.7 for the last few weeks I have reverted back to 4.4. I cannot detect any audible difference between 4.6 and 4.7 but they both sound inferior to 4.4 in my active system.


good to know that. For myself i didn’t made the 4.7 from 4.6. Don’t want to bother if no sound quality difference.

4.4 DSP_V2p56p19.ldr
4.6 DSP_V2p56p19.ldr
4.7 DSP_V2p56p11.ldr

Go figure

Like I posted at the head of this thread … The only sensible way is to try it & listen for yourself. If you don’t like it, then go back to the one you do like.

I also logged the DSP version numbers as I tried the different releases and was intrigued by a very noticable audible difference when 4.4 and 4.6 indicate the same DSP number. Maybe the audible difference is occuring in a different part of the software.

I was also curious why the latest release 4.7 appeared to have an earlier version number i.e. DSP_V2p56p11.ldr unless this is a radix I’m not familiar with.

Naim told me that the minor end number changes make no functional difference. There was some changes done during beta testing, but I didn’t note the details. The changes as I recall from 4.4 onwards was to fix Tidal & BBC iRadio issues. Also, as I recall, final outcome was NDS owners liked 4.4 better, NDX preferred 4.6.

On my Super and 'qute the sound remained the same. The major improvement appears to be the increased stability of the Tidal connection. No drop-outs or false starts to date. Three weeks into 4.7 and I’m a happy listener.

Hmmm, I watch a lot of movies, some from France and some from England. I am from Australia. Humour is very personal. But I see your problem Mr Rooster. English humour can be very “dry”.

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Just updated NDX to 4.7, does seem to be faster at switching Tidal tracks and Tidal to uPNP and back again than version 4.6 for me.

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