“41 Era-defining Music Photos”

Anything they’ve missed out?

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Yes, loads.
Also, there is a load of insignificant photos of insignificant people in that list.

I’m my opinion, naturally.


How much more Guardian could that list be? The answer is none… none more Guardian.


Wouldn’t click on a Bill Gates funded propaganda outlet, but I’ll look elsewhere


Yawn. Every time a link to the Guardian is posted you write the same old thing. It’s wrong and always has been. Certain articles are part funded by the Gates Foundation but they are always flagged as such and are few and far between. Why not just ignore the articles rather than banging the same old drum?

You’ve got to love the forum, rather than engaging with the article people just diss it, as with so many other subjects. I rather like the photos - nobody has suggested they are the greatest music photos ever, merely that they are era defining. It’s just a bit of fun, rather than an opportunity to show one’s superiority and discernment, surely.


Some well known photos being recycled to no great effect. Still trying to figure out which “eras” are being defined by these photos not least when several photos appear to cover the same years (or is that “era”) and so by definition could not have been era defining in themselves.


Pennie Smith’s famous shot of Paul Simenon that later appeared on the front of The Clash’s London Calling? Any of Kevin Cummins’ photos of Joy Division and New Order? Jill Furmanovsky’s pics of the Pink Floyd? Led Zep? Lou/Velvets?

A decent pic of the Sex Pistols (eg the famous ‘Filth & The Fury’ photo, or something from the Jubilee boat party)? I have no idea why a screen grab of the Grundy interview counts as an “era defining” picture. Nor do I understand why, given there are so many (truly) iconic photos of Madonna, they chose one of her snogging? What era does that define exactly? And how?

This being the Groaniad, its understanding of culture is so midwittedly philistine and agenda-driven that such omissions are only to be expected.

I had a look through this set. There are a few iconic pictures, but a lot of mediocre studio shots, and the live shots are nothing to write home about.

One of mine shot many years ago is not so bad compared with the Guardian’s best.

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I have never forgiven the Guardian for reducing to almost zero, John Fordham’s Jazz reviews, the only music reviewer worth reading in that rag. Their Jazz coverage is practically zero.

Reading one annoying article one day, I slipped in a quote usually miss attributed to Adolf Hitler, and got a ton of likes.

How about this one for starters?




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