500 series replacement imminent?

Still after all these years nothing beats a Les Paul 59’.

Never understimate what skilled people can do with what is available at a given time. Technology can get in the way of what is core. Music.


@Dunc hi may I ask , which upsampling you are using for the dCS ? Do you find DSD abit bright compare to dxd ? Thanks .

No all fine.
But this isn’t the best place to discuss this really.

Ok got it thanks

I’m more interested how the result would be on other so called High End loudspeakers.
I’ve heard large Focal many times and feel its difficult to listen through their analytical presentation and character.

So get on a train to your dealer and report back … (btw you’ve already discounted Statement because of its cooling fins, right? So why the continued interest?)

If you compare 500 dr vs Statements mono on 20/30 k speakers, I am not surprised that the difference won’t jump at your face.
Put something as Focal Diablo Evo, top Magico, top Wilson Benesh, all in the 100 k and more range, and I doubt the same results will appear.


@110dB: Have you let the cat out of the bag?


Hi @PaulDavies ,

That cat has been running free since launch of 200 series.
RE making a 552 with the headphone amplifier - this was how the line/HP amp was developed. It was our benchmark. For interest, the ‘test mule’ 552 had no balance, no input selection and ran from the NPX 300.

The goal:

  • Make a line stage that doubles as a headphone amplifier - Strategic analogue building block for the future.
  • Must drive long cables (via XLR).
  • Must sound better than the line stage in a 552 with SQ scaling opportunities.
  • Must sound better than a Headline.

500 series has been updated, the update was a subtle cosmetic update. It has white LEDs on black.


Yes understand…they are not my cup of tea either!!!..but they are analytical so for me showed the differences well…

Hi @110dB how big part is the linestage of the performance of the preamp? If the linestage in the 222 and 332 are better than the linestage in the 552 what is it that makes the 552 sound better than the 332 if that is the case? And if the linestage in the 332 and 222 are the same what is it in the preamp section of the 222 that makes it sound worse than the 332 if that is the case?


I assumed, and nearly asked, that the “SQ scaling” meant that the NAC332 could well have taken advantage of those SQ scaling opportunities

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I would hazard that the 332 with an outboard psu may well sound better than the 552 via the linestage. The 332 has a stepped attenuator…which should be better than the 552 potentiometer…

As you go from Atom HE to 222, 332 and 552 you are getting fewer components squeezed into the same box (yes, pay more for less!) and a better power supply, and the 552 has its suspended brass sub chassis. Under the hood there are no doubt numerous other differences to justify the higher cost as you go up the range. Otherwise the logic of building a Naim system around the best preamp you can afford becomes meaningless and we can all just use an Atom HE as a preamp.

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552 :raised_hands:



That looks like an Ikea ‘I still have lots of screws left’ moment after putting it back together again :rofl:

ps. appreciate it is probably a Naim service picture though.

Looking forward to the DIY 552 kit with included 300 pages of assembly instructions at 70% less cost :smile:

Here I assume you can see the guide pins for the floating brass plate which you can hear make a clonk noise if moving it. That also explains the “do not invert” instructions in the manual :slight_smile: It seems there is a stopper but in plastic/rubber.


DIY 552??? :flushed: wow … takes an expert for the job!!:sweat_smile:

Yeah no worries every kit gets a @110dB phone number in the unlikely event something should go wrong😂


Yes, but the call will be transferred to Shenzen :joy: