500 series replacement imminent?

Active 500DR with an S1 Pre is something that still surprises me many years now after I finally did it.

The Passive S1 with the Statement Monoblocks is an excellent alternative option with different presentaion - those S1 power amps are better than the 500DR but at a crazy price for me that rules them out of consideraton if I want to stay Active, which I do.

Active systems have a bit more tune-up required in their installation I have found, but once done it stays on-tune for years. The insight you get into the music with the S1 Pre warms the heart - there is a beauty of naturally-rendered harmonic structures with incredible low noise that weaves the music together in a wonderful way I never tire of hearing.

I ripped a CD 2001 version of some old Diana Ross stuff a few days ago and it blew me away how good it was - no hi-def here but better than a high-def format is a good mastering without tinkering with the mix. Very deep bass notes striding along with a tight clean mix - the Active system really opens the window into the ‘life and place’ stuff… more I could say but not believed I think.

Enjoy the journey - the 500DR run-in is a couple of months to clear most bumps out then gradually over years they continue to improve - mine are still improving after ten years.
The same with the S1 Pre - after 18 months there is a sudden improvement then it is still improving even now in terms of transparency and clarity.

DB. :bear:


ThanksDB. Yes the burn in is as I expected. I have the newist 500 on the bass with just 2 weeks burn in. The one feeding the mids has had around three weeks playing time and my two and a half year old 500 is working the treble. On certain days the sound has been superb.

Maybe the 500 series will be improved one day, some day, but in the meantime the existing 500 series system is fantastic.

I mean I am in my TV room listening to YouTube music videos on my 202/200DR and enjoying this tremendously.


Just wondering what comes after ‘fantastic’ if the 500 is improved, can you get better than fantastic?

:wink: :wink:

Heard last summer the Gryphon Zena pre and Essence stereo amp, 2 boxes, around 32k, with Nd555.
Was astonished that the level was very similar to 552/500, at twice the price.
Both sound not dissimilar. The Gryphon pair is really worth considering.
Or wait for the new 500 series.


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Great post Dusty. Gear is only important in that it gets you to the music. If it can do that then the door is open. That’s why I do this obsessive stuff - at least that’s what I tell myself! …

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The real question is what comes after fantasticest.

Poverty :money_with_wings:

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or just enjoy the music with whatever one has. When I auditioned a 202/200 many years ago (this was more than 15 years) it seemed like an amount of money I could not afford, and the resolution was more than I needed.

Little did I know it was entry level of Naim separates at that time.

Still does it for me though…

Why wait a new 500 series, if money allows I will just buy the current one and enjoy it today.

Tomorrow is another day. Maybe there is a better 500 series system, but our hearing gets worse with age?


I started with a 112/150 around that time and yes its more a ‘gateway’…

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Or enjoy the Ear Yosinos combo I have now.
My post was not about my goal to have the Gryphons or new 500 series, but about the general topic.
Just saying that buying new 552/500 dr is not , perhaps, a good idea, as the competition at that price is strong. Personally I would buy the Gryphons if I had that cash.

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Indeed competition is strong , especially in our hobby as the market (audiophiles) has shrinked in great numbers … sigh

I’ve listened to Gryphon, Nagra, CH Precision, Soulution, and several others, and to suggest they’re similar to the Naim 500 series is just laughable.
While they might share some qualities like grip, control, details, and soundstage, the Naim presents music with its distinct balance, roundness, natural sound, and ability to keep you engaged for hours, not to mention its renowned PRaT.
Most importantly, Naim has a special knack for injecting emotions into the listener’s soul, a quality that’s unrivaled by others.
Purchasing the 552/500 today is a fantastic decision.


If I was living in UK, to add on my previous post, a 552/500dr second hand and then serviced would be my first choice however.
With more cash still, perhaps VAC or Aries Cerat.

You are a tube lover now :laughing:

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Beautifully put @Darkebear ….so so annoying…in it :wink::joy:

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I’ve just come off the phone from an old work colleague who has today been demonstrating various system options. Perhaps in a roundabout way but he had already decided upon ATC actives ( I don’t know the model) and at his demo this morning selected a Vertere SG TT/arm/cartridge. After various amplifier options, including I think some valve designs, he heard the Naim 332/300 and said that he thought it was, up until that point, the best he heard but then the dealer suggested the 552. Without prompting he said at that point the whole game changed, more of everything, he said as excellent as the 332 was it was pedestrian compared with the 552. He said he couldn’t really think of a description and after we batted some thoughts around I said it’s just the way it portrays the music whether it’s choral, symphonic, jazz or Cream Live at the RAH which is what I played earlier. It’s at another level entirely.

Conclusion there might, probably will, be a new 500 series but hellfire it’ll have to be good.


It just needs to be supper quite and neutral, job done then.

I am happy now with my Ear 912 and 534. Hard to beat at this price, imo.
But I would be also very happy with a 552/500 dr. Not with 332/350/300 ps.

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