552 as Update over 52 with nap 135

Damn - really tempted… will call the dealer tomorrow and talk about some options. Will not go for it without return option.
Strange that some think that 52 to 552 was the biggest update - others think 135 to 500 was the greatest one.
Depends on ears and most other factors…

That’s because it depends on your speakers and how demanding they are on your amp

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606 like a bit more power…
That’s why I think that 500 will be a bigger step. But 500 not available for reasonable price today

I’m not sure I agree with you. I could happily go back to a 52 and 135’s and still get a lot of musical enjoyment. Would I miss the insight the 552/500 gives you? Probably, for a few months but I find I get a lot of musical enjoyment from lots of sources. One of my vehicles has a nice Alpine system, our garden room has a cheap pair of active speakers that are, frankly, astonishing for the money. Even my apple ear pods sound pretty good.

I opted to own a 552/500 because I enjoy music and am lucky enough to be able to afford these rather expensive toys we own. However, I tend not to take life to seriously because I know none of us are getting out alive!


If the price is right get the 552DR. I have heard it many times with 500DR.

I have a 52 with 500DR as you know. I got a great deal on 500DR so went with that first. I am happily living with 52 500DR. But 552DR and 500DR will be even better. I am not in a rush. If I could have got as good a deal on 552DR I would have gone for that first.

Get the 552DR. Do the deal. Hang on to your 52 if you can. And sell it when time is right for you if you can.


Like to do the deal - but with only with return option… too risky for a Drago guy :joy:
500 DR … this is what I am looking for… very much. Think 606 do like a bit more power

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You have done a similar upgrade path - what are your impressions… 52 to 552?

It won’t go back. If you have the funds get it and don’t look back. You have ND555. Will go perfectly with it. And get the 500DR when right deal comes up.

The view generally is 552DR first. Then 500DR. I did it in reverse but I got an amazing deal on 500DR.

If I had funds I would get a 552DR right now. But I have spent alot on upgrades of late and need my bank accounts to stabilise!

Need to earn lots of money basically.

The 52 is a beautiful amp and I think if you can try to keep it. Can always be used as a spare if 552 is serviced, or in 2nd system with your SBLs


Maybe I could take his 300 dr as well - with a bundle price. Maybe it is better match than 135? Don’t know.

I would hold out for 500DR if you really want one.

The 300DR will be a good match for the 552 though.

Going from 135s to 500DR is a big jump. Going from 135s to 300DR is regarded as sideways move. However I think the 300DR will be better than the 135s with 552.

The 300DR is more powerful and more detailed. The 500DR head unit is extremely heavy. I absolutely love it but it requires careful set up.

With 552DR ND555 and 300DR it would give you a matching set.

For me I went 500DR and love the power and authority it has over the 135s. The detail and soundstage and everything pretty much improves upon the 135s. And so it should, when new it’s a very pricey power amp.

So there’s pros and cons to both the swap from 135s to 300DR or 500DR.

I made no mistake! 500DR rocks.


Thanks Dan :heart_eyes:

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@drago from a lovely balanced setup 52/135/SBLs you added the Kudos 606 then all hell breaks out now looking at a full 500 setup to accommodate the 606s ?


Got me … a bit… no - not this worse…
It is a horizon.
All fine - love the music playing in the moment. And yes - former setup with SBL was as balanced … but without any bass.

May last year a nd555 came for a steal price (1 year old - a margin less than half price).
Never regretted
In January this year for the first time 606 came up used for a good price (also a good margin less than half)
Now 552 … this one even a lot more of a „bargain“.

Only temped because of the offer

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You’ve been there too! It’s the journey we go through.

And look now you have what you wanted.

Sometimes you have to make changes in your system, and then go backwards to go forwards.


Dan, a little bit he is hitting the point … the Drago one.
But was not looking for it :grinning:

606 has a so wonderful „breathing“ sound … unbelievable

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I know for me that I always wanted quite a bit of power in my system as I love really loud music. I didn’t get that with 250CB. I got a fair bit more from 135s. But with 500DR I get what I want. Everything I want.

Preamp wise I feel 52 is probably interim for me but it is fabulous and if I go no further I am in a wonderful place.


I also think the modern DR amps are very different from Olive and Chrome Bumper. More detailed and more the modern sound. They lift the veil off the soundstage. So with a 552DR with a 300DR or 250DR or 500DR you will get that very different sound from 135s or Olive/CB 250.

I am listening to music alot more with the 500DR. It makes everything sound better. I am buying more music and loving my system so much more. Just bought 8 vinyl records in last week (mainly used).

Using my LP12 every day now rather than 2 or 3 times a week. Everything sounds right!


Keep this moment - buying music is the indicator !

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Exactly and that says everything to me. If you get your system right you won’t want to stop playing music.

Right now I can’t get enough of my system and listening to it. Whereas with 135s it sounded wonderful but I would switch to watching TV after a bit.

Yes I can go on and on upgrading. I probably will, but this is a really good place to be. And the upgrades I did to LP12 just before Christmas now really sing.


Can anyone describe (again), the difference the 552 will bring in respect of changing from olive to classic.
Olive: rough and groovy?
Classic: detailed and punchy?

I really would like to go next step… and 500 when it arrives on the list :grinning:

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