552 preamp

What’s the difference between demo stock and stock?

Taking an educated guess here yeti, but I reckon demoed stock has probably been used for demos then sold after a period of time. :thinking::joy:

There was a dealer in Montpellier, now retired, who wouldn’t offer home demo’s because once it left the shop it became second hand, he said, but he could sell it new if only played in the shop. He was mostly a CD seller but did hifi too including some Naim but also Classé, Rega and B&W and a few other makes. I only bought some A5 from him and had to solder my own Naim plugs on as he couldn’t do it when he tried. I didn’t bother asking about waranty but I’d take a punt that it was a full one from the date of sale whether he’d played an item in the shop or not.
My point is how do Naim know if something has sat on a shelf for a year or been put to use?
In the UK Audio T in Reading used to sell exdem gear with a full waranty and I thought it was backed by Naim. They cycled their demo stock on a yearly basis. My ex demo 555ps just missed 5 years when it was discovered that a rail that was only used by the CD and ND555 was faulty, turns out with a blown regulator, but they checked the sale date in deciding rather than when they bought it themselves.
Maybe what @Naim.Marketing describes is a more recent policy, maybe thanks to the Focal takeover.

Clare has stated the current warranty position for demo stock in the UK. Outside the UK it is determined by the distributor for that country.

It’s worth remembering that Naim are the underwriter here, the warranty contract itself being made between dealer and customer.

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Beat me to it! :grimacing:

Hi the warranty is 2 year and if you register within the first 28 day you get the extra 3 years extended this is only for Ireland and UK and only on new items. Buying used the dealer normally gives 1 year the dealer in dublin will give a year on used naim.

Demo stock is deemed as used so warranty is at the dealers discretion

I am rediscovering many of my cds and vinyl records with the 552dr in place.


I had exactly the same experience. The 552 allowed me to appreciate music I loved even more.

Hi Clive,

Yes, not having to deal with a forest of cables anymore is a relief.

And two boxes doing the job of 7, with an uplift in terms of sound, is something I look forward to :partying_face:

The Soulution are still in their wooden crates. I’ve been too busy to swap the systems.

I spent last evening listening to LJOS. My wife loves that album. It sounds so good on the 500 series that she was worried about losing something of what the Naim system offered (but she knows she won’t be desapointed, she loved the time we spent trying the Soulutions as well).

It isn’t without a pang of sorrow that I will start the unpleasant process of selling all my Naim gear.


Had some reassurance on the 552. It’s a 2012 original DR very lightly used ex-dem. I’ve been told it’s unblemished and subject to them double checking this is the case I think I’m good to go. It also comes with a five year warranty, backed by the dealer.

Just one remaining thought. Should I get the dealer to send it straight to Naim for a service? I’ve heard DR’s are good for 12-15 years so I’m tempted to leave it and take advantage of a fully run-in unit for a few years. But then again it would be far less hassle to get it done now…

The service isn’t needed but if the deal can include it at a good (reduced) price it would give the final confidence in the purchase.

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Incidentally, on my newly installed one. My earlier misgivings were premature. I am only listening to Ken Bruce streaming ‘A19’ (Steely Dan) as I type. The 552 seems to be coming more on song as the days pass.


Hi Stu, I would :+1:t3: ATB Peter

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Advice taken. I’m assured it’s pristine and it looks like it’s never been out of the box. A service will guarantee a clean bill of health so peace of mind I guess. Just the waiting now :grimacing:

If it’s hardly had any music through it than I see no necessity to do it in my opinion.


Caps deteriorate even if not used


The cost of a service wasn’t too bad and they knocked a bit off so I thought get it done now rather than have any doubt and still need to deal with it in a few years time. And the wait will be fun :grin:


There was me hoping you had changed your mind! I am sure it will be great though! Enjoy. I’ll keep my eyes open for another one and be quicker off the mark next time! :+1:


Hi popeye, I have myself on numerous occasions buying ex dem gear heard the dealer say:…and it’s hardly been out of the box!”. I can believe this during our life under the delightful ’Lock-downs’, but 2012 heritage….:thinking: ATB Peter
PS. I have also myself never allowed a box 10 years+ before servicing. It simply is peace of mind to be listening to gear, which hasn’t started on the downwards slippery slope. This can be something we don’t pick up on for ages, in fact we sometimes in stead end up loosing interest gradually in enjoying our system. This often followed months later by one day sitting down realising, that it actually sounds crap. Not till then does a call to our dealer finally happens :face_with_head_bandage: