552 remote won't work with NDS?


Find a properly shielded RCA to Mini cable. The cheap cables sold on Amazon will act like an antenna and do audible degradation to the sound. I use a Belden 1505 75ohm cable.


That’s probably a good idea, I have a cheap one and a double RCA to single RCA adapter on my 552. Can’t seem to find any local in NZ on the web though.

There are many quality made 3.5mm to stereo RCA out there. Get one of those and use the negative RCA for system automation to work.


I had a spare shielded RCA single cable and grabbed a RC to 3.5mm adapter for $3.50 at Jaycar’s whilst I was in town. Job done. It’s actually mush tidier without the double to single RCA adapter I had on the 552, and the RCA cable is longer, so I’ve managed to tuck it away tidily behind all the other cables.


Did you make this up yourself or was there a commercial one available?

I purchased mine online from Ram Electronics, but the site is no longer active and I suspect they’ve gone under. :neutral_face:

I bet sites like “designacable” can make a custom solution.

This supposed need for a high quality cable for system automation is total nonsense. In the Naim world, this is one case where anything that makes a reliable connection is fine.

There are lots of more important places to spend your moneys, however wealthy you feel.

Nonsense? Cheap cables are poorly shielded and act like an antenna. I heard this first hand when I tried a cheap cable for system automation, sound quality took a hit.

It’s not about being wealthy… it’s about making the best sound. I think the shielded cable I use was $50. The 552 is a very revealing preamp, everything matters.


As a slight aside, is there a way to adjust the sensitivity of the auto-display of the lights on R-Com remote? Mine seems to light up too easily and drains the battery.

Best thing is to turn off motion detect via the app settings.

The R-com can be quite sensitive to any vibration. If I have it sat on the coffee table and then put anything else on the table then it usually lights up. However, despite this I do find that the batteries have so far lasted a very long time.

If yours is draining quickly then it may need some attention at the factory…

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It’s actually still on the original batteries, it does look like it’s just sensitive as you say - it was lighting up when I placed the other remotes next to it, so I was using the Narcom. I think I’ll stick with her R-com for a while, as it is very nice to use.

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And you will get bigger muscles :muscle:

I always struggle which one to use… btw are the two ones from the left for 552, the third for NDS and then NDX2 right?


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