552DR/300DR incoming…

Just work on partners!

We went from SuperUniti to 272/PSU/250 to current 7 (and 2 bits) box setup.

I had to get SWMBO fully on board for this journey, so much so that she bought the speakers and Quadraspire rack.

Sound quality has been the key hook. SWMBO has a singing tour in February and I setup a Tidal playlist with the set list which she’s been enjoying greatly.

Airplay to NDX2 (plus a remote control) has also been a driver, she’s an Apple gal.


Only if your interested,
I have instructions on best practice mains spur for New Zealand. If you’re interested I can send you it to via email. Not sure what your address is but if you send me a hello when I get a chance I’ll send it.

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On my setup I turn down the gain to -17db on the Chord mDAVE approx 1v into the 552 this enables me to run at very low listening levels without the Alps pot balance issue with the 552 volume dial between 8 and 9.


I would be very interested in these as well, if you’re able to share. I recall getting some instructions from Chris Murphy at RMC when I bought my first system back in 96, but the bit of paper is long gone

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Is there a balance issue between 8 and 9 have not heard of this…have you any more info…

I have a tube pre, high sensitivity speakers, and when the volume is at 10 o’clock, no music, I hear no hiss at all, even when my ear is touching the speaker.

I have that very same paper! I believe it was written by a gentleman called Graham, Working atm but I’ll sort something in the near future.


As the dial on the 552 (same on 282 and 252) is turned up the balance issue in my experience disappears, with the source set at low output you are left with a far greater control on the volume.

The same applies on my CB Nait2 with the mDAVE as source (1v) no balance issues.
One has to hear the mDAVE into a Nait2 but thats for another thread :grin:

My dear old dad always used to say that.

I’m busy trying to live up to that expectation…



The hiss is not dependent of the volume.Naim has avoided building Tube amps for other reasons… :wink:

Your post : “That’s normal Naim Preamp hiss,with speakers with high sensitivity.
Many older Naim Preamps did not go silent(from hiss) ,when muted.”

Just wanted to point that my pre is totally silent, despite being a tube pre, even when the volume is high.
With Naim pre, with no music and volume high, you hear some hiss.

And you hear hiss on a Naim pre without having the volume up, but musically it outperforms other Pre amps.

I had the 252 before, now the Ear 912, for me it’s more musical to these close ears. The amp is 250 dr.
Anyway, it was not my point. Enjoy what you have :+1:


Then we listen to music in different ways. Thank you,enjoy :+1:

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@Mike_S I had a brief look at your thread dedicated New Zealand mains spur. So I hope this helps if you’re ever in the mood. Brings a lower noise background

This description is only for residential New Zealand.
You must/should use a New Zealand certified electrician.


As discussed this is an outline as to the best sounding Mains configuration.



… Use heavy duty 6mm cable directly from the main on/off switch to a fuse. Do not loop this to any other fuses. Only connect directly to the socket to be used for the Hi Fi. The direction of the mains cable from the fuse to the wall socket is audible. The correct direction is as follows.

The cable is marked with a “meter” number every meter along it’s length. If you were looking at the cable, 0 meters would be at the wall socket and X meters at the fuse.

A ceramic fuse sounds better than a resettable circuit breaker. You can hear the direction of the fuse carrier in the fuse socket. One way will sound better than the other. (believe it or not!)

An unswitched socket removes yet another contact from the path. They are available if you search for them.

NEUTRAL…Connect neutral as close to the mains neutral input as possible.

EARTH… The direction of the earth wire is also audible. There is a 50mm wire available from

“BICC cables”. This should allow the cable direction to be identified. The 0 m mark should be at the earth spike and X m mark at the fuse board end. It is important the connection at the spike is tight and clean. Effectively lowering the impedance to Earth. (this must be the same earth spike that is connected to the board!!) Connect from the main earth buss to the socket for the Hi Fi.

The amplifiers will also sound better if the fitted tapons are used and are plugged into the wall in this order; power amp, preamp power supply, ed player. (all on top of each other with the power amp into the wall first)

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Yeah, my 272/555 is way more inky black than my previous 252/SC2. In fact my 272/555/250DR is much more enjoyable than the 252/SC2/250.2 ever was. I think much of this disparity can be attributed to streaming v CD playback, network optimization, and powerlines which the 252 system didn’t benefit from. That said, I much prefer the 272 pot to that of the 252.


272 pot is :pray:


Forgive the ignorance, but how is it different to the 252, say? Thought they were all Alps.

272 use a digital pot. Not sure about the tech details but behaves different than the alp pots.


I have these thanks, and spoke with Graham at the time. Our NZ mains aren’t like the UK radials, so I’ve never been entirely convinced whether it’s worth the disruption to install a dedicated main. And if any pollution is coming off the incoming supply, there would be no effect on this anyway.