552DR/300DR incoming…

Currently Chord Sarum Super Aray

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That’s great. I’d certainly recommend getting that 555 PS back in there, when possible. I’ve a mix of Chord and SL at the moment on the system, with a WitchHat cable going back to be swapped now that I have the 552.

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I would suggest a NDS it’s about the same price as a used NDX2.
The SQ of the NDS matches the 552 better.

In what way?

It has the musicality and sophistication that matches the 552 better.

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The main problem with that approach is missing the “new” streaming platform. Qobuz, Roon etc are pretty compelling for me.


There are workarounds for the NDS.

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Yes, I certainly want a modern streamer that integrates with Qobuz, Roon and a UnitI Core too, as a one stop shop. Although there are workarounds, I have really moved on from that type of fiddling.


300 defo. I have this combination and it’s incredible. You are in for a great Christmas and new year. Enjoy. I found the 552 really needed to warm up over some days to really sing. What speakers do you have?

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Totem Forest Signatures. I also have a single Totem Storm sub, which I am trying switched off at the moment, now that I have the 300 DR set. The 552 has been powered up for a day, and is 3 years old, it will be interesting to hear how much it improves.


Yes as always it’s convenience vs SQ.

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Very good news! You took the risk, you won. I lost personally as you know. I am happy for you.

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Not really, the older streamers do have limitations, screen failures being another one, so I’ve moved my old ones on. The reviews of the NDX2 v NDS were mostly neutral with the various power supply options, more a case of pros and cons I think,

Congrats on the purchase, it should be a good improvement over your existing amps. While they didn’t sound bad I didn’t get on with the 252/250. If I go back to separates it would take the 552 to do so. I’m sure it sounds great.


I think that the NDS has better musicality and sophistication in its sound,probably because of the better Dac and the more advanced suspension system.
The ND555 replaced the NDS not the NDX2,so not surprising.


NDS, 552, and 300DR, seem to hit the s/h sites with some regularity so if I were to go back to separates that’d be the route I go. Not a big $$ jump compared to the SQ jump.


Are you sure about that Mike, a friend in Holland had totem speakers and at every stage he noticed the improved grip over the speakers when going from 300 to 500


Not sure the word “need” can really be used in the context of any of these discussions :wink:


The synergy Nac552/Nap500
is absolutely fantastic,it doesn’t happen in the same way with 552/300,I think.


Several 552s in the flea pit at the moment.

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