552DR/300DR incoming…

Well now you know i was correct? :joy:


Whilst you are correct that the NDS didn’t in Naim’s eyes quite make the reference level the ND555 was the replacement to the NDS.

From Naim’s product history page

The NDS was also used by Naim to showcase statement despite the CD555 still being available when Statement was launched.

Back to OP though. However good the NDS is, if I owned an NDX2 I wouldn’t go back to the older platform I’d look to the future with an ND555 instead.


That’s true, the first time I heard a Statement I think it was hooked up to the NDS power by 2 ND555.


Yes, I agree. Unfortunately.


Indeed, it was the best source they had at the time so obviously that’s what they used. The exception being the CD555 of course, but they couldn’t really use that while moving out of the CD player market.

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Fortunately I missed that roadshow. The NDX2 one has cost me enough :flushed:

I remember it well. I was so worried about coming home to my lowly NAC272 that I’d never listen to it again, however to my surprise I must have forgotten (it was a 2 hour drive) cause I was still impressed by my stuff.


I remember NDS vs CD555 a dr 500 system. i found the NDS to be pretty good hifi and that was about it for me, the cd555 just had the prat that was and still is hard to better.

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I just love these threads on how we all content ourselves with what we have got when we all really know that nothing will cut the mud below a top 500 system or statement when possible by remortgaging the house 5 times over. I’ve kidded myself for years now but in my heart of hearts know that the real pleasure is sitting in front of something that looks like a cray supercomputer cooling tower whilst being totally on cloud 9 listening to my DSOTM remaster :wink:


Given what the 272 and 555PSDR costed me vs sound quality delivered I must say it was delivering in spades. 552/NDX2 is better indeed but the 272 combo was not in another galaxy so to say. It gets expensive to get the extra percent in sound quality uplift the higher you go…


Yes, and with the new gear around the corner, that mix might look quite different again. Though I don’t think we’re looking at 252/552 territory.

The problem with that is there’ll always be something bigger better and ultimately more expensive. We all like the opportunity to upgrade when possible but I think the trick is to focus on just listening to your music and allowing all this noise to just wash over you, well at least until you get the opportunity to upgrade again. :grin:


I’m sure it is better than the former versions. Still, it’s not green! :wink: I guess the full classic range will be replaced to “new classic” with all the outer/inner updates made so expect there will be more classic boxes available next year.

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Seriously Mike I would stay with that. The 552 is a wonderful preamp and so is the 300. Heard that with a CDS3 on the end of Sonus Faber Amatis and I would definitely have stopped there


I have had the CD555 ,a ripped CD on a USB stick into the NDS just sound more musical ,I think.

I a way you downgraded the Source and massively upgraded the Preamp ….

You say the DAC in a 272 driven by a 555 betters a naked NDX2? Anyway, it was always the plan to add a 555 again. It’s just a re route to get there.

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Absolutely no problem,when buying second hand one has to grab what turns up.

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I wouldn’t say so.

I’ve heard a 272/555DR with a 300DR and it wasn’t as good as my then NDX/282/HiCapDR/250DR.

Given the NDX2 is better than the original NDX I would expect it to be quite a bit further ahead again.

If i resume well, @Mike_S has to do some adjustments, right now, if not his musical pleasure is hardly compromised:
Buy a 500 dr
An Nd555
A full Klimax lp12
Magico or other top speakers

Time to return to work at 100%. Retirement is not anymore the option.